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Forums - Sales Discussion - FF XIII, GT 5 and God of War 3 sales predictions.

This could most definitely happen.GOW sold relatively low because of the influx of games that the PS2 already had.GOW can appeal to the same audience that likes GeOW or Halo.Final Fantasy will most definitely sell well,so will GT5.I expect 2.5 mil+ for each game,1st week.Basing all this on a 25mil+ install base,and the hype PS3 games tend to get nowadays.

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GT5: 10 million or even more if it get bundles in euro and USA
FFXIII: 7-8 million
God of war 3: about 4 million

I'm tipping GT5 for between 8 and 11 million, but if I have to be more specific I'd say 10.6 million.
Final Fantasy will do 5.3 million on PS3 and 3.2 million on Xbox 360.
God of War deserves 5 million or so, but I'll go with 2.9 million by end of year, and 3.4 million lifetime sales.

On the hadware front, given no more price cuts, I reckon 15.6 million sales for PS3 and 12.8 million for Xbox 360.