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Forums - Website Topics - Virtual Boy?

I understand it was a terribly selling system, and by far not all that significant in the grand scheme of things...


...but I was just curious if it could possibly be added to the console list, as well as the games? I mean, it's a legend, even if it was a titanic failure.


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The only game I'd buy would be Wario Land, if it was remade with less red.

After playing Wario: Master of Disguise, I find Wario Land for Virtual Boy to be a wonderfully fun game.

*just received his Virtual Boy in the mail from a fellow member at these boards.*


I don't think there'd be too high numbers.

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I second the motion, add it.

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Well, obviously not. Only 770k systems were even sold. Try as you may, but good software numbers are impossible with that install base.

But if we've got Wonderswan, we should have Virtual Boy. Virtual Boy may not have sold as well, but it's a heck of a lot more legendary.


I own a virtual Boy, and am damn proud of it.

It still works, the visor is worn a bit and the stand broke off years ago.

I had 3 games initially.. Mario Tennis (awesome)(which I have since lost... its somewhere), Red Alarm which was a flying game (not good) and Galactic Pinball which is ,to date, the best and most entertaining pinball game ever made IMO.

It is only 6 feet away from me right now.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

I'm considering developing a headband of some sort for it, hahaha. Imagine sitting there with that sucker strapped to your head. It's epic.


thetonestarr said:
I'm considering developing a headband of some sort for it, hahaha. Imagine sitting there with that sucker strapped to your head. It's epic.

 The angry video game nerd duct taped it to his head in his review of the VB. It was pretty funny.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


I'm afraid of what duct tape would feel like.
