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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Some 360 and Wii stats based off MetaCritic.

Sky Render said:
Maybe that should tell you something, disolitude. Such as the fact that the Wii's primary appeal is not according to the values of the majority of those people who are reviewing Wii games. I mean, if a product sells well, obviously it's doing something right. Marketing can only get you so far before you have to have a compelling product which authentically holds value to those who buy it.

 I would say you were right, but then I look at the Hollywood system.  The mainstream loves shit.

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@ Zen

I think its fair.
Wii has a few amazing last gen ports which biring the console average higher. Plus there are games like Bully...which are at 83 for wii and 80 for 360.

There is no way in hell the wii bully game is better than the 360 one...

Again...opinion, but atleast an educated one as I've played the games here I mentioned.

Slimebeast said:

Or RPGs. The X360 is the main RPG platform in this gen.

 Actually no, that's the DS.


disolitude said:

And once you're done playing move on to 360 who has the most diverse library of games that are not revolutionary.

 Haha, nice zing, but at the same time, if it wasn't for revolutionary games like those I mentioned, I'd have stuck with my PC, which is far superior for FPS and RTS games and has better free online, so I think the Wii's unique library is a very valid point.



disolitude said:
@ Zen

I think its fair.
Wii has a few amazing last gen ports which biring the console average higher. Plus there are games like Bully...which are at 83 for wii and 80 for 360.

There is no way in hell the wii bully game is better than the 360 one...

Again...opinion, but atleast an educated one as I've played the games here I mentioned.

 ANd why is that.

disolitude said:
PooperScooper said:
Where is zenfold?

I'm guessing he is protestiing at the Ubisoft office with a sign that says..."Wii owners need games too"

Not necessary to go protest in person, VGChartz and NPD are taking care of that for us.

Those consoles that can – sell, those consoles that can’t - quote statistics (which explains why they think they should sell, but not why they don’t).


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RPG´s on DS are like FPS on 360.

O Rly? The shooter library you mean.

Phendrana said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

Due to rounding, the percentages come out to 99.9% on both. Thought it was interesting. Is it the flawed review system? Who knows?

The Wii has a few really excellent games, a few really good games, and an awesome exclusive library.

The PS360 has a few great games, a plethora of good games, and most of them are multiplats.

This is true. For games at 75% or higher and not counting downloadable games, it goes 14/19/20 exclusives for the PS3/360/Wii respectively as of 3 weeks ago (when I crunched the numbers). This is why I'm going with the Wii and PS3 this gen. I'll get all the great Wii exclusives and all the PS3 multiplats+exclusives.

Yea, most 360 exclusives end up on PC anyways, and then there's a chance of RROD, if anything I would buy a PS3 over a 360, heck, I'd never buy a 360 for all I care.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

"" Haha, nice zing, but at the same time, if it wasn't for revolutionary games like those I mentioned, I'd have stuck with my PC, which is far superior for FPS and RTS games and has better free online, so I think the Wii's unique library is a very valid point."" - PC is superior for RTS games and FPS games from a control perspective. PC is also superior in price point. For 360 level graphics and tv size monitor it would cost you at least $2000. Online play is debatable. 360 has standard unified friends list(not some 3rd party plug-in), more mic penetration(very, very important to me), and overall better experience. I will gladly pay 5 bucks a month for a fantastic online experience.

Amazing. And still the 360 has so few exclusive games that interest me I could count them on one hand. Seriously.
Irrelevant review system?

JaggedSac said:
"Wii: 3982-3539-5418-1048 Brawl: 2664-1863-6511 Kart: 1633-5238-8894 Dr. Mario: 1661-1773-3090" - WTF?? LOL!!
WTF LOL to you too, dick.

JaggedSac said:
"If you only count EXCLUSIVES 95 and up, Wii has 1 and 360 has none." - WTF?? LOL!!

It's true.  Didn't you start this thread and look at all the numbers?  Every game at 95 or higher on the 360 is a multiplatform game.  I can play your best games without a 360, but you can't get my delicious exclusive Galaxy.

JaggedSac said:
"360 has nothing like Galaxy, Wii Sports, and Wii Fit." - Galaxy is good, Sports is fecal matter on a stick, and WiiFit is similar to a treadmill.
You don't like the 2 most important games of this generation.  That's fine by me.  It doesn't change the fact that they're unique gaming experiences and can only be played on the Wii.  You're the one prancing around bragging about MetaCritic numbers, but disregarding unique gaming experiences you can't play.  I can play your games.  You can't play mine.

JaggedSac said:
"You've got the most revolutionary platformer GAMEPLAY-WISE of all time, the most revolutionary motion-controlled sports collection of all time, the most revolutionary balance-measuring game controller and exercise program of all time." - Arcades have had these controls for a while now. Perhaps you should categorize that it is revolutionary to console games.
I'm calling bullshit.  Give me examples of arcade games that play like Galaxy, Wii Sports, or Wii Fit.

JaggedSac said:
"the most revolutionary balance-measuring game controller and exercise program of all time" - WTF?? LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!

I have a balance board.  There is no controller in the world like it.  What part of "revolutionary" don't you understand?  About 7 games have been announced for it in under a week.  It's outselling the PS3 and getting a lot of support.

What gives, Dick Sandwich here doesn't like new ideas?  WTF LOL LOL LOL!!!