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Forums - Sony Discussion - what if the next final fantasy is bad?

No it wasn't. Somehow many people think anyone who loves VII the most must be ignorant of older FF's. The scale of the world with so much to do, and the matureness of it, and of the story, really appeals to me. Also the tragic of it. It's a sad story, much more a tragedy than a drama. And Nomura's character design is so sweet. And of course the city and villige designs. Also the endless materia combinations with which you can make your own 'job-classes', eventhough every character has an inherent preference. I also consider Lufia II and Xenogears as greater than let's say VI.


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With VII Square brought narrative and art to a new level. Imagine how FFVI would have been if that was the first FF on the PSX and not VII. It would be the same game, but the world of VI would have been brought more 'intensive' to you. The cinematic aspect of VII is not about graphics, but about art work and narrative and the artists creativity being spread in a more immersive way. But hey.. you like it or not.. you can't do anything about such things can you; it's just liking something or not. And with the humor of the npc's, Don Corneo and The Turks, it's besides being dark at times, also comical, and got many mature themes, like many references to sex.


But I will never talk a different game down. I always only say what I LIKE.. what's the point in saying what you DON'T like in other games over and over again? Many people talk FFVII down, but they could better put their energy into saying why they like game x so much you know.. like I do.. :).. anyway.. Square has brought us many good games.. just like we also don't alwasy like the same girls, we don't always like the same games..


DMeisterJ said:
What if the next final fantasy is good?

Pretty much the exact same behavior as you would find if it was bad.

A)  It will get high review scores.
B)  Lots of people will buy it.
C)  Lots of people will praise it.
D)  Lots of people will hate it.
E)  Sony fans will hail it as "the game to own."
F)  Nintendo/Microsoft fans will say it's inferior to Final Fantasy blah blah blah.
G)  I will still be trying to beat that d*mn Ultra Hard mode on Soul Calibur II.

Ajax said:
Final Fantasy VII is so great, I sometimes wonder; what the hell was Square thinking? Amazing.

It was the first Final Fantasy i ever played but....

 Final Fantasy 10 was the one that brought me into the series.

12 sent me packing

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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If the next Final Fantasy is bad it will be just like the last 6.

It won't hurt sony. Final Fantasy games sell by brand name and high end graphics.

I actually dislike this whole internal FF competition that rises every time on every gaming board. They are all masterpieces in their own right. It's a great series, and even the games that you might like less, are maybe if you take the time to give it a second look, not as bad as you think, and certainly almost always in par with many other rpg series and games.


Who cares. White Knight Story is what's happenin'. Level 5 is the new Square.

More importantly for Square, where the hell are those new Vagrant Story and Chrono games?!

I also think that if you say at Squares office that you think the first six were great and the other six bad, they wouldn't even understand you; Nomura, Nojima and Uematsu-san and the others will surely disagree with you; and not just because they made those other games too.

 I actually talked to Uematsu-san when I was in Stockholm for his Distant Worlds concert, I met him on the airport of Stockholm the day after the concert (what a chance?!) and he was pleased when he heared my mates and I travelled from Amsterdam to Stockholm to attend his concert, and I asked him which one of them all his favorite is, and he just couldn't answer me, he said he liked them all. But at the end of the concert; One Winged Angel was clearly the grand finale of the concert.


Ajax said:
I actually dislike this whole internal FF competition that rises every time on every gaming board. They are all masterpieces in their own right. It's a great series, and even the games that you might like less, are maybe if you take the time to give it a second look, not as bad as you think, and certainly almost always in par with many other rpg series and games.

 I disagree.What each person feels about Final Fantasy comes down to three main features. How they feel about the story, how they feel about the characters, and the gameplay. If you don't like the characters or story it doesn't matter how many looks you give a game you aren't going to like and you aren't going to find it to be master piece. I don't like the characters, story, or gameplay of Final Fantasy VII so nothing is going to suddenly make me think I've been too hard on the game. I actually received the PC version of FFVII as a gift from my best friend in 2000. He got it on the cheap and I figured I'd give the game another go round. I disliked more then than I did on PS1.

How a person feels about an RPG is predicated so much on what they feel about the characters and story. For example in my case I didn't like the characters or story of FFX-2 but I thought the gameplay was exceptional and I still didn't like the game because the other parts of the game were so horrid to me. Or in the case of Final Fantasy IV, the story and characters struck a cord with me and even though I liked the gameplay in FFV better, I consider FFIV the better overall game because it was more enjoyable. 

Whenever the topic of Final Fantasy is brought up there will always be an internal arguement about what game was best and why. Final Fantasy games vary widely in setting, gameplay, and overall scope. So that in and of itself leads to the love/hate view different people have of different games in the series. I know I really enjoyed FFX but I can see why others did not. The game was linear and didn't have much of an exploration element because of how late you received your airship in the game. That said, I liked the characters and story. For me those elements outweighed the things that bothered me about the game. That is what it ultimately comes down to with Final Fantasy. Each of us has different likes and dislikes when its comes to Final Fantasy. Because the games differ so much it leads to such a wide difference of opinions on each title in the series.