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Forums - Sony Discussion - what if the next final fantasy is bad?

MrBubbles said:

Or if the game is only decent and if the games Square makes for other systems are good?

 Does it hurt Sony?  How do people who bought the ps3 for it feel? 


You make the most annoying threads ever, bro.

To answer your question. It will not be bad. Square Enix is putting in countless hours, day in and day out. Making and improving this game before release. It won't be awful because Square Enix takes care of their franchises. Even though Final Fantasy XII was kinda strange.


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FF XIII is like a year away from being released. FF XIII may be unfortunate to have 13 in the name but it will be a great game and many PS3 fans will love the game. XBox 360 has no answer to Final Fantasy XIII. Cough* Fable 2 *cough. lol that is no comparison to FF XIII.

Rock_on_2008 said:
FF XIII is like a year away from being released. FF XIII may be unfortunate to have 13 in the name but it will be a great game and many PS3 fans will love the game. XBox 360 has no answer to Final Fantasy XIII. Cough* Fable 2 *cough. lol that is no comparison to FF XIII.

 Your right , because fable 2 is a Wrpg, and FF is a Jrpg. 

FF XIII will sell 5 million copies worldwide in its first launch week. FF XIII will sell over 20 million LTD for its time on sale.

Rock_on_2008 said:
FF XIII is like a year away from being released. FF XIII may be unfortunate to have 13 in the name but it will be a great game and many PS3 fans will love the game. XBox 360 has no answer to Final Fantasy XIII. Cough* Fable 2 *cough. lol that is no comparison to FF XIII.

although youre just being a troll.....ill play along ;)

What about infinite undiscovery?

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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Rock_on_2008 said:
FF XIII will sell 5 million copies worldwide in its first launch week. FF XIII will sell over 20 million LTD for its time on sale.

You think every game will sell 5 million.   

Rock_on_2008 said:
FF XIII will sell 5 million copies worldwide in its first launch week. FF XIII will sell over 20 million LTD for its time on sale.

 Feeling a little confident there. The best selling final fantasy sold half that on the psone which sold more than 100 million. You care to explain how FFXIII is suppose to do that?

Rock_on_2008 said:
FF XIII is like a year away from being released. FF XIII may be unfortunate to have 13 in the name but it will be a great game and many PS3 fans will love the game. XBox 360 has no answer to Final Fantasy XIII. Cough* Fable 2 *cough. lol that is no comparison to FF XIII.

The 360 has the best JRPG lineup of all the next gen consoles. It has several answers to Final Fantasy XIII. While there is no guarantee that an RPG fan will enjoy one title, Final Fantasy XIII, it is nearly guaranteed that an RPG fan will enjoy at least one of the several RPGs on 360. While you wait and hope for Final Fantasy XIII's success, we poor 360 owners will have to deal with the wealth of JRPGs that are already out and will be released before Final Fantasy XIII.

I mean what are we going to do Rock_on? I mean we have games to play and you have screenshots to view and previews to read. I mean we will have completed and gotten tired of games that PS3 owners continue whine and cry about not being released on their console yet cough cough Eternal Sonata cough cough. We truly are so down and out. I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep because I've only beaten five JRPGs on my 360 while you are waiting for FFXIII. I mean you are so lucky to have forked over $600 to wait three years for a game that you hope is stellar. Yeah, you really are the smart and truly fortunate one. Let me sell my 360 right now so I can stop playing RPGS because waiting for them is SO much more enjoyable. I have seen the light and thigh name is PS3 and the as yet released FFXIII.*

*Please not that the italicized portion of this post is sarcasm.


no 360 JRPG will even touch ff13 is sales, graphics, and gameplay. thats like saying kilzone 2 will sell more then halo 3. just no.......

MrBubbles said:
Dno said:
In that case mass effect, halo 3, gears of war were all over rated. but im not making a thread about them. Those are wat people like to play.BUT in my opinon:

GOW was horrible from story to controls and lag online was the almost unplayable. But graphics looked nice for the time.

Halo 3 online was good but Single player was terrible. i played it for like 3 days. and it looked like an xbox 1 game.

mass effect had so many tech problems and so long loading times it made me want to toss my controller. But overall it was fun

BUT all got good reviews because to some people they gave a good enjoyable time. FF never has these problems (of course lag online is different because its single player) and it earns its score everytime. FF made JRPGs what it is today (in USA).

This is not a thread about a game being overrated.  Cease your trolling.

This turned into a thread about  review scores and if the series earned it. That was what i was stating. Cease your typing and begin learning to read.