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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So is it safe to say that Wii won the console war this gen?

I don't see how M$ could win. Halo 3 and GTA 4 couldn't take it over the top.

Predictions for 2009: (Right) (Wrong) (Partial)

Pokemon Gold/Silver DS Japan in September

NES colored Wii and SNES Classic Controler for Christmas

Super Role Bros for Christmas

FF Remakes announced; VII PS3 VIII 360 IX Wii

New Super Mario World November 2009

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*bleu-ocelot* said
Yeah that would be the case,if the PS3 wasn't stunted by its pricepoint(s).Even so,the PS3 continues to sell at a fast pace.So it's still popular,even at a $500/$400 pricepoint.Now if the PS3 was at a $300/250 pricepoint,who do you think would sell more;Nintendo or Sony?

Nintendo. It's not just about price and it never was. You don't understand how many people were locked out by those damn 112 button controls. The average Wii buyer is a 28 yo male. If they wanted a PS3 they would have bought a PS3. I don't particularly want one if you fricking gave it to me because I would be trading FUN for FRUSTRATION.

Yes, I think they won this gen

MK7!! 3DS friend code: 0688 - 5579 - 0994

Also playing DotA2 beta!

FJ-Warez said:
Yes is safe for most of us, but lets wait for MGS4, after that, there will be no doubt (For the fanboys anyway)...


Well, I don't think MGS4 has much of a chance of putting the PS3 on top.  It will no doubt outsell the Xbox360 that month, but the Wii is another matter.  Halo 3 only barely put the Xbox360 on top of the Wii last year, and this year, Nintendo has much more increased supply.  No doubt MS will have something up their sleeve to launch to compete with MGS4... like this Banjo-Kazooie thing.  When is that supposed to plunge onto store shelves? 

 There's also a disturbing matter I've heard from employees at some GameStop stores:  Preorders for MGS4 are extremely low.  Not even close to what GameStop had to deal with for Halo 3 or Super Smash Bros Brawl.  I think the vast majority of people who want MGS4 probably already have a PS3.  I'm sure it will sell well--the PS3 fanboys are even snatching up Haze and that got lackluster (even bad) reviews--but there are omens afoot.

Zkuq said:

Well, well, Captain Obvious strikes again and tells me about the size of different audiences. Did you read my reasons at all? I was talking about the possibility of Wii going out of fashion or something like that. It is extremely unlikely they would stop buying Wii but it they did, it would be disastrous. Also, if PS3 manages to penetrate the casual market (which it will, it's just about when and is it in time; I wouldn't expect it anytime soon) it will be much more difficult for Wii.

Why do you think that Sony will suddenly become creative enough and understand the market enough to be a threat to the Wii. They have certainly showed no signs of any such ability so far.

But I'll throw you a bone. I'll concede that Sony could prevail if and only if they can hire Miyamoto as their head of design and Malstrom as head of marketing. Otherwise they're in a mismatch. Right now they are coming out of life support in part because there is always a market for anything that's the biggest and most powerful and extravagant available. Hell, they manage to sell Hummers don't they.


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i considered the wii the winner when it hit 20 million before the other two well....neither the other two has hit it yet. but ive said first console to 20 millions wins 1st. what ruined it for sony was thinking that everyone that had a ps2 would want a ps3. teh problem with that is the ps3 itself is at launch 599. then you add in an HDTV and boom your easily over 1000 dollars and right now 1000 can do wonders for bills and not gaming machines. that is why the 360 is actually ahead in total sales but then again the other day a guy at work which is a die hard 360 fan (he owns 3 of them) told me that he was getting a wii and wiifit. its the appeal of wii and what it does that makes it such a success. you can have the most georgous graphics ever and it wont sell. nintendo already tried that with the gamecube and found out that isnt what people wants.

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049

News Flash Xbox360 is cheaper than Wii in Europe!!!

Wooo, wacky inflatable flailing tube man.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

MrKillerbees said:
Yes, I think they won this gen

So simple...and yet so correct

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Thinking the Wii has lost, or has a chance to lose for that matter, is pure:


At this point, the Wii could even sell more next year:

1. production will be 2.4 mil ALL months, not just starting in July, like this year

2. Brand new 1st party games topped with some interesting 3rd party announcements

Ps3, will no doubt sell great. I like it a lot. (just as much as my Wii.) But, the truth is truth:

1. selling better than Ps2 and Japan atm

Long term will be looking better for the Wii also. Larger userbase will equal more people to sell to. Also, Nintendo is said to increase the Wii's life to 10 years max. (no more, could be 2 years less.)

Wii won. period.

In terms of raw sales numbers, yes, the Wii has won.

But I have always seen this war as being between Sony and Microsoft.

If the Wii was genuinely competing on the same level as the PS360, why aren't the big third party developers flocking to the Wii?