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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz Store "Add to Cart" button

You da man Brett!

Although to be honest I didn't have any alignment problems before so apart from the colour change it looks the same to me (perhaps it was a browser issue)

BTW how come only some games have the button.... I thought we could buy anything from Amazon video game category through here, or is it just a selection?

Also while you are here can we buy books?

Around the Network

We're looking at some alternative options, like a rollover popup that displays the game info including the add to cart button.

I personally find it very annoying. I know you'll all argue against me, but I'd prefer the advertising etc to be very minimal.

ioi said:

 Not in the least the idea that I had in mind, but most definitely a suitable solution! Best part is, it suits your needs rather nicely as well. 


I'm satisfied!
