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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Sports now 5th best selling game ever!!

You know what? 3 of them are/were bundle. It will be 4 if you count Gun Peripheral as a bundle.

So what is the lesson of the story? Bundle sells, even you are force to take it. 

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Yes as other people have mentioned, every game other than Pokemon Red/Green/Blue on this list was a bundled game. #7 on the list, Super Mario World, was also a bundled game. Even Super Mario Bros 3 (#10) was for a short time a bundled game. That's how games get this high on the list in most cases.

Pokemon is just a crazy exception to the rule, and is, in my opinion, the most successful single series in video game history (what other franchise has had every single main-series title sold that much? Even GTA didn't start selling like that until GTAIII).

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It should also be noted that every single one of the top ten best selling games of all time was published by Nintendo.

In all seriousness, could anyone disagree that Nintendo is the great software publisher in all of video games? I mean really, how could nay sane person disagree with that statement?

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Atari 7800 (Sold), Intellivision (Thrown out), Gameboy (Lost), Super Nintendo (Stolen), Super Nintendo (2nd copy) (Thrown out by mother), Nintendo 64 (Still own), Super Nintendo (3rd copy) (Still own), Wii (Sold)

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Now someone mentioned it;...Alex the kidd is no where in the top 50 and the Sega master system didn't sold that bad...

At the end of the generation we will have this top 5

1 Wii sports
2 Wii play
3 Wii Fit
4 Brain Training
5 More Brain Training.

Actually there were bundles of the Pokemon games as well. Like I said every game in the top 10 has been a bundle for some part of its life.

However, like Pokemon I think the bundle was more to sell the console, not the game.

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Weren't they going to make a new Duck Hunt using the Wii Zapper? Hmmm.. haven't heard about that for a while.


superchunk said:
Actually there were bundles of the Pokemon games as well. Like I said every game in the top 10 has been a bundle for some part of its life.

However, like Pokemon I think the bundle was more to sell the console, not the game.

I thought Red/Blue was a pack-in, but wasn't sure. It was a pack-in for a bit of time for Game Boy Pocket, right? Or maybe Game Boy Color?

My consoles and the fates they suffered:

Atari 7800 (Sold), Intellivision (Thrown out), Gameboy (Lost), Super Nintendo (Stolen), Super Nintendo (2nd copy) (Thrown out by mother), Nintendo 64 (Still own), Super Nintendo (3rd copy) (Still own), Wii (Sold)

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damkira said:

Weren't they going to make a new Duck Hunt using the Wii Zapper? Hmmm.. haven't heard about that for a while.


 What everyone thought would be a remake of duckhunt turned into the shooting gallery game in Wii Play. My 2nd favorite game on that disc. Tanks FTW!