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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Wii passes the Xbox 360 LTD in North America


Due to a nasty 360 adjustment and incredible Wii sales (no doubt due to Wii fit plus extra shipments), the Wii has passed the 360 in all 3 regions.



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I think I will give you credit for seeing it first so I'm going to post in this topic about this weeks NA numbers :P

oh and Hooray??

Wii domination, 3rd partyz support for the wii confirmz.

Seriously Congratz for nintendo. They worked hard this generation and deserve these sales. Just hope 3rd parties will catch on soon.

The Wii controls all !!!!! Bwa! Ha! Ha! Ha!!!!!




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

36- GOT adjusted down like 300K!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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This is an epic thread. You win, Montana. >:|

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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It will be interesting to see from this point onward how games sells on each platform, since the 360's and Wii's userbases in NA are now (almost) equal. For example, Chronicles of Narnia sold almost the same on each platform with a very similar userbase.



loadedstatement said:
This is an epic thread. You win, Montana. >:|

Bwa ha ha!

Not as epic as worldwide, but still cool. 



Wii will now continue to sharply pull away....the only thing that stands in its way...the PS2...

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot


1. Reggie was right!!!!
2. Wii is officially teh winnerz!!!!
3. NA Wii domination beginz NOW!!!
4. This post was brought to you by the letter 'Z'

What would be really funny is if ioi realizez he made a little miztake and upz the 360 total next week.  :)