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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Beyond Good and Evil 2 - First impressions on trailer and my opinion!

Ari_Gold said:
StarcraftManiac said:
Ari_Gold said:
StarcraftManiac said:

Ok, first of all! I totally LOVED Beyond good and Evil!

Now that a sequel has been announced I am really hyped for it! And I definitely am going to buy it when it comes out day one!

There are a few things I don't like however or think Ubisoft should've done different:

1 - Why not on Wii?!... Ubisoft, you said you wanted to support the Wii better! Ubisoft, it is you who wanted to put more quality on Wii, now's your chance! And obviously, this game suits better with Nintendo fans then it would with Sony or Microsoft fans.

2 - What's up with the Half Life look?! I'm not trying to be rude here... But for example PIG looks WAY too real for me... I liked the cartoony style, it contributed to the overall feeling of the game... Not going to be prejudiced here but this is kind of a bomb for me because it's the first teaser trailer of the game.

This doesn't look like 'Peij' or 'PIG' from BG&E... :'(...


Oh, and yes: I'll buy this! First day! If it's on PS3, that is.



EDIT: No official announcements on the platforms but Guillemot says the teaser is running on the in-game engine... So yes, HD consoles + PC confirmed.

i'm sorry i stopped reading after the bold part. this game is for gamers (EVERYONE) , not just for "nintendo fanboys". yeah it sucks it didn't get a Wii version, but get over it.

I really don't care it's not on Wii... I have a PS3 too, but I just think the style and the gameplay looks similar to Zelda in a futuristic way and it has it's own cool gameplay elements, it suits the Nintendo oriented people better, that's just what I'm saying... You don't have to get all psyched up and stuff XD Sjeesh... It's just that this game suits people who like Nintendo games better overall, that's what I'm saying, and the first title didn't sell well... So, I find it odd this isn't coming to Wii! UNDERSTAND?!

PS3 + X360 userbase = 31 million + PC

Wii userbase = 26 million

I don't find it that odd. It did play like zelda, but the first game bombed on both gamecube/ps2/xbox, so i don't see why it suits people who like nintendo games better. Since no one bought the gamecube version.


It's odd because PS3 + Xbox 360 + Wii userbase = 57 million + PC which gives the game a better chance to achieve better sales. But then again, No one bought the PS2, GameCube, PC, or the Xbox version last gen. Since core gamers did not buy the game last gen, What makes Ubisoft think that core gamers will purchase the game this gen. Graphics.

I just think that the Wii controller would open up Jade's world a litter more. The Wii controller could be used as Jade's dojo stick and the motion controls could be used in puzzles  as well as its pointer capabilities. Kind of like what Capcom did with Zak and the Wiki as an example. But I guess that will never happen. Oh well. Next topic. 



If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


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Beyond good and Evil not coming to the wii what is wrong with ubisoft were is the Nintendo quality they promised Beyond good and Evil is gonna sell like crap on the 360/ps3.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

Sherlock99 said:
Beyond good and Evil not coming to the wii what is wrong with ubisoft were is the Nintendo quality they promised Beyond good and Evil is gonna sell like crap on the 360/ps3.

Yea, because releasing Beyond Good and Evil 1 on the PS2/XBox/PC AND the GC really helped the sales of that game...

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that the game would sell pretty well on the Wii, but people need to stop acting like every game needs to be on the Wii to be successful.

Everybody needs to stop hating on Ubisoft!

Or no more Rayman!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

amazing graphiks

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I need to get the original ASAP!!! I will probably get the PS2, GC or Xbox version. I can't decide but whatever!
Good to see a sequel to this game and Prince of Persia

Go Ubisoft!!

The main reason the game didn't see so well was its timing it came out in a christmas rush while never having a solid marketing plan. It would have been a better feb-march release or summer.

when i bought the game at an Eb games 5 months after release it was 20 bux and i remember a good review from game informer and IGN. I thought to myself a 9.0 game for 20bux there must be a price mistake and i jumped on it even though i vaguely remembered what type of game it was. after 1 hour of playing it i feel in love with the game and played it for quite a long time getting all those pearls

Sherlock99 said:
Beyond good and Evil not coming to the wii what is wrong with ubisoft were is the Nintendo quality they promised Beyond good and Evil is gonna sell like crap on the 360/ps3.

How do you know it's going to sell like crap,Nintendo fanboy!? The realism they're trying to achieve with BGE2 is something that would appeal to the core users;mix that in with some unique gameplay,and you've got yourselves a AAA game for the PS3,360 and Pc.

StarcraftManiac said:
blah blah blah

 And obviously, this game suits better with Nintendo fans then it would with Sony or Microsoft fans.


blah blah blah blah

 Mate, with ideas and points of view like that, I really have no question why Ubi does not support Wii and its owners.

Who gives you the damn right to position gamers and characterize them as MS or Sony fans? Brother, I am a gamer and I loved the first BGaE with all my heart. And unfortunately you talk BS. End of story.

Please answer me. Where the hell were all these "thinking Wii owners" (who apparently owned a last gen console unless they're 14 yo guys "who obviously suit this type of games more") when BGandE BOMBED like a hydrogen bomb???


If it was on wii PS360 wouldn't get it

so they had to chose....they chose HD...end of

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey