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Forums - Sony Discussion - HAZE will not drop much in sales next week.

rocketpig said:
darthdevidem01 said:

say my friend wants to buy an (exclusive) FPS for Ps3 NOW!

Resistance or HAZE?? (so not counting COD4 or UT 3)

Resistance, all day, every day. Unless co-op is massively important to the guy, which still makes Haze a rental (how many times are you going to co-op the same SP campaign?).

Plus, you can get RFoM for about $25 now. 

 RFoM has co-op as well, but it is not drop in/out, which is quite annoying

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Munkeh111 said:
rocketpig said:
darthdevidem01 said:

say my friend wants to buy an (exclusive) FPS for Ps3 NOW!

Resistance or HAZE?? (so not counting COD4 or UT 3)

Resistance, all day, every day. Unless co-op is massively important to the guy, which still makes Haze a rental (how many times are you going to co-op the same SP campaign?).

Plus, you can get RFoM for about $25 now.

RFoM has co-op as well, but it is not drop in/out, which is quite annoying

Yeah, I should have specified that.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
jankazimierz said:
The reviews kept me from buying this game and just renting it. When I first played the 2nd level (the one where you first use a vehicle) I agreed with the reviews alot, the driving and shooting while on the vehicle seems broken. But once I played through the whole game I enjoyed it alot more, mostly because of the online co-op. Then when I played multiplayer I thought this game is actually very fun, even if its not bug free. I think if this game does well it will be cause its one of the few PS3 games where you can play online co-op as well as have split screen (which i wish COD4 had).

If you only own a PS3 and don't mind the shit single-player mode the co-op and MP aren't bad, though they're not outstanding by any means, either.

Really though, in the overall scope of things (non-PS3 games included), Haze is way down there.

And how about in the PS3-centric scope of things? Where is Haze in that?

 In the PS3 exclusive FPS land of the blind, Resistance is the one-eyed king.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

I'll get this when its on the $20 bargain bin. Which should be around the holiday's this year.

I wonder what would compel anyone to hope for this title to have sales success. That would send the wrong message to developers. The title is of questionable quality. The question being is there actually any quality apparently. Were the title to succeed developers would draw the following inferences. Those gamers that own PS3s do not care about game quality, aren't very bright, or very inattentive. They will also believe advertising the game is more important the good word of mouth.

Developers will take these lessons to heart. Spend less money on developing the game, and more talking about it, and running commercials. They will probably ignore making the game play well, and instead focus on only making it look good for commercials. Games on the PS3 will get worse.

When poorly made games win its the gamers that lose. Your rooting for your gaming experience to go to shit. Exclusive or not there are plenty of decent games on the PS3 worthy of being rewarded. Seriously develop a sense of self worth. Do you see 360 owners hoping that Circle of Doom will sell over a million copies in its lifetime. Hell its kind of sad that it has sold over a quarter million. Are you seeing Wii owners pulling of Avatar the Last Airbender? Both games have similar rankings.

Were this title to actually succeed in surpassing those titles, and to approach a million it would be a strong proof that those that own PS3s have no discernible taste. Even I don't think that is the case, but for developers it will be apparent if this title ends up selling close to a million copies.

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Story mode isn't that great ( and you can't skip the stupid cut scenes..) but Multiplayer really rocks ..when the PoS server are stables...

The game has some really nice maps ( MML is sniper heaven) and the different capabilities of both factions makes for interesting games.

Experienced player will prefer rebels but Mantel are good for players like me that haven't played online fps for ages. The edge nectar gives you allows you to get some kills against vastly superior players...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

disolitude said:
You know what...I like Sega, and Segajon seems like a cool guy... I'ma buy Haze to help his prediction come true.

yeah you tell them dude ,,

50k week 2 in europe, dropped a little more than i thoght but definitely didn't bomb like a lot of people said.

Wow, this guy was right.

Only dropped 20k

thank you