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Forums - Sony Discussion - Heavenly Sword Sequel Not Happening

I would absolutely love Ready At Dawn to make HS2!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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outlawauron said:
I would absolutely love Ready At Dawn to make HS2!

 what games other than COW :CoO  have they made?I m just curious to know ,,,casue they did a very good job in the GOW game.(story ,graphics,and gameplay were all on par with the orginal god of wars on PS2)




NOOOOO!! The only game i liked so much on the PS3 that i bothered to actually finish it twice!!!

Let's hope that RAD is really developing the sequel!


ready at dawn???

Arent they making Samba for the Wii???

Hmmm... shame to see a pretty good game die off so quickly
Hopefully we'll see her in a better and much LONGER game!


Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy

ready at dawn have done daxter,god of war:chains of olympus,and the okami port for the wii...well so far they have done really good job...i hope they can keep up!!

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Considering it's market- NG, DMC, It wasnt as good as those. Nice graphics but meh. I wouldnt bother If I was them.

selnor said:
Considering it's market- NG, DMC, It wasnt as good as those. Nice graphics but meh. I wouldnt bother If I was them.

don't comment on a game that you haven't played,,,,


after beating both heavenly sword and DMC4 ,I personally think that HS is better than DMC ,,,,



story -------------much better in HS

graphics--------------- about same but abit better character animations in HS

Voice acting and dialogue----------------much better in HS

gameplay-------------------about the same ,maybe DMC has abit more variation due to gun and sword

presentation-------------------------HS is better ,,DMC has some last gen touches like the blue crystal web in fight scenes or annoying last gen door opening ,,also DMC still has some camera problems(eventhough it's much improved)

Length---------------------------------DMC was longer but half of the game was back tracking(same levels for the second half of the game)






Heavenly sword : 9





Sad: Heavenly Sword had so much potential:

The best character models and facial animations of any game.
Outstanding look, cutscenes, atmosphere.

And many of its problems: (LENGTH, button-smashing gameplay on normal difficulty ...) could easily be dealt with in a second iteration.

SpartanFX said:
outlawauron said:
I would absolutely love Ready At Dawn to make HS2!

 what games other than COW :CoO  have they made?I m just curious to know ,,,casue they did a very good job in the GOW game.(story ,graphics,and gameplay were all on par with the orginal god of wars on PS2)

Daxter for the PSP

and Okami Wii.

I really hope that there is a HS2 being tackled by Ready at Dawn as the 1st game was just amazing!

The length was a bit of a problem, but the other aspects of the game were great