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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Awesome Guitar Hero IV Ad!

why not??,

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BrainBoxLtd said:
__XBrawlX__ said:

I don't get the "Most realistic Drums part... They look exactly like Rockband's...

It has two Cymbals instead of one, and they're designed to look like cymbals as well where as in Rock Bands it looks the same as the other drums.

As for Guitar Hero IV, I dunno. I didn't like three that much, and unless the Rock Band stuff I already own will be compatible (Which i doubt it will) this would be a hard sell for me.

The GH drums are also velocity sensitive and the playing surface looks like it could have better rebound. But who knows which will be better until a final version is released and tested.

I refuse to have 2 sets of drums in my living room. I'll stick with Rock Band. Sorry GH but you never did anything for me.

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supermario128 said:
Hom much you think GH4 will cost?

It will cost you $190 for PSWi60 and $180 for PS2.


So $20 MORE than Rock Band.......

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any word on compatibility? If bought Rockband without the instruments, so I can order them from Amazon (is twice as cheap) but I do not know if I really want to do that if it is not compatible with each other.

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disolitude said:
I don't see anything awesome here. You are asking about the ad itself right... The game may be great but the ad is the lamest commercial I've ever seen. As someone who plays guitar and has played in many real bands I want to run the people in this commercial with a Mac truck...

I don't think the idea of GH is built around providing guitarists with an alternative. If that was the case then you would have a point about the commercial, but since its aimed at allowing those who aren't guitarists in bands (ie pretty much everyone) you don't really have a point.

To borrow the phrasing from Malstrom I could say that the job the GH product is hired to do is to allow consumers to feel like they are having a rockstar experience. Even if the actual rockstar experience differs greatly what is important to the consumer is that the experience seem right to them, not that it be factually accurate. To that end the commercial doesn't have to be completely true to the rockstar experience or seem "cool" or "correct" to someone who has had that experience.

Aside from that I can think of several commercials that are far more lame than this one. But then again your point was dramatic emphasis and I doubt you were being serious. Of course if you were it just means you've managed to avoid the many many horrible commercials that are aired on a daily basis....not to mention the ones that have been posted here on VGC over time.

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