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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official MGS4 review Thread

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I guess.

Then again, as a journalist, you should aim for a balance between being a fan of the genre and your own, unbiased opinion.

I refuse to go and read what the guy says, but if he says: "I didn't like some parts of it, but MGS fans will enjoy every second, then maybe its not a bad review.

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I can imagine EG getting allot of heat for this. Just like Gerstmann got lots of heat for the 8 he gave Zelda Twilight Princess (which I agree upon, as the combat was dumbed down, the game was shoehorned into Wii controls and the whole think lacked innovation)

I wouldn't bother about 1 score, general scores tell a complete different story and that's what most of all counts. I'm staying out of the heat-zone and keep it cool

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I've never understood the "You shouldn't review this game unless you already like the series/genre" mentality.

I like those reviews the best because they're informative.  One of the really really old game magazines back in the day used to have a panel of reviewers who each was interested in a particular kind of game/genre.   Here's the opinion of the reviewer who likes RPGs and here's the opinion of the reviewer that likes side-scrollers...etc.  Each reviewer told a different story about the game based on their own interests.

You could also take a little test to see which reviewer's personality matched you the best and thus which score would be closest to what you'd give it yourself.  I thought that was pretty neat back then. 

My MGS 4 Review:

I do not want to spoil the game for any of you. Great gameplay, brilliant story, awesome special effects, great sound track, excellent cutscenes.

My review score: 10 out of 10.

Comments: Must buy game. Best game of all time

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The Ninja Gaide sponsorship may have not had a positive effect on the NG2 however they may have had a negative effect on the MGS4 score considering that both games come out in the same time period


New review from jeuxvideo

Graphismes 17/20

Le jeu fait honneur à la série avec un character design à tomber : Raiden est rutilant, Vamp imposant, Liquid Ocelot intimidant et si Snake est sur le déclin, affaibli par le virus Foxdie, il conserve malgré tout son statut de héros légendaire. En outre, l'aspect exotique de cet épisode nous fait traverser le globe pour visiter des contrées aux antipodes l'une de l'autre. Le Moyen-Orient, l'Amérique du Sud, l'Europe de l'Est auxquelles viennent s'ajouter un retour à Shadow Moses et une destination inédite renvoyant aux origines de la saga. Au final, cette pluralité de lieux étonne mais ne fera pas oublier l'aliasing omniprésent de même que des effets spéciaux très relatifs.
Jouabilité 17/20

Evolution high-tech des techniques de camouflage de MGS 3, l'Octo-Camo donne tout son sens au gameplay de MGS 4. Cependant, il est tout de même difficile de pardonner l'IA fluctuante des ennemis qui est bien trop variable en fonction des situations. Toutefois, dans les modes de difficulté élevée, on s'amusera beaucoup plus même si les réactions des soldats restent simplement plus rapides sans être pour autant plus réalistes. L'achat et l'upgrade d'armes sont eux aussi une excellente idée même s'il peut paraître farfelu d'acquérir des munitions en plein gunfight. Enfin, signalons également la réquisition du disque dur plutôt mal fichue (du moins sur la version testée) puisque nécessitant une petite installation à chaque fois qu'on veut reprendre un chapitre différent.
Durée de vie 16/20

En prenant votre temps, il vous faudra entre 20 et 25 heures pour terminer l'aventure une première fois en Normal. Néanmoins le mode Difficile, beaucoup plus exaltant, est à préconiser dès le départ. A l'inverse, le mode Extrême (à débloquer tout comme de nouveaux camouflages et armes) est bien trop prise de tête et vous demandera de refaire des dizaines de fois chaque passage avant d'y arriver. A signaler l'absence de missions VR (ici simplement représentées par un entraînement virtuel) contrebalancé par un mode online sympathique à défaut d'être pleinement concluant à cause d'une maniabilité non adaptée.
Bande son 17/20

Les fans de la première heure s'offusqueront de ne point retrouver le thème principal de la série même si celui-ci est remplacé au pied levé par le fantastique morceau Old Snake de Harry Gregson-Williams. D'ailleurs, ce dernier, aidé de Nobuko Toda, nous gratifie à nouveau d'une bande-son magistrale dont on retiendra aussi le doublage américain très inspiré, les personnages étant campés par leurs doublures voix habituelles, David Hayter en tête.
Scénario 18/20

Quoi qu'en dise Kojima, MGS 4 sera totalement incompréhensible pour le néophyte, la quantité d'informations à digérer étant phénoménale. Toutes les questions laissées en suspens trouvent ici une réponse et bien que la fin puisse décevoir par certains côtés grandiloquents ou "too much", l'histoire de Guns of The Patriots s'étale sur plus d'1/3 du jeu à l'aide de cinématiques parfois trop longues, moins inspirées que celles de ses aïeuls mais riches en surprises. Si l'histoire de Meryl et de sa team est un peu bancale, les autres personnages en revanche, Ocelot et Snake en tête, recevront toutes les attentions qui leur sont dues.
Note Générale 17/20

Pour son ultime (?) baroud d'honneur, Snake traverse le monde tel un fantôme meurtri, fatigué mais plus que jamais désireux d'en découdre avec ses démons. Non exempt de défauts (techniques et scénaristiques), MGS 4 laisse parfois un arrière-goût de déception dans la bouche pour à nouveau nous assaillir de senteurs enivrantes. Finalement, cet opus devrait trouver autant de fans hardcore que de détracteurs de MGS 2 mais s'impose tout de même comme le chaînon manquant d'une saga ambitieuse. Plaisant et surprenant, Guns of The Patriots est aussi charmeur qu'un Cobra et parvient à nous hypnotiser suffisamment par ses trouvailles de gameplay et son histoire émouvante pour que nous ne nous arrêtions pas à ses quelques défauts.

8.5/10 in other words. I could attempt to translate but my French isn't amazing.

Basically they complain about graphical aliasing, having to install at the end of every chapter (ew..), 20-25 hours gameplay, absence of extra content like VR missions and dogtags, cutscenes are sometimes too long and uninspiring compared to previous games, history of the 'Meryl team' is wobbly.

rocketpig said:
Shameless said:
rocketpig said:
colonelstubbs said:
The story is easy to follow!

Something about clones....and....and arms....and....yeah

I love the arm bit. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when it happened in MGS2.

I mean, WTF, was Ocelot just wandering around Shadow Moses until he found Liquid's body, saying to himself "Ah, I'm missing a hand and this fella here doesn't seem to need his anymore", proceeding to chop off Liquid's arm and carry it away in a tote bag?

According to people that've played through the game there are good explanations for things like that in MGS4.

Oh boy, now I'm even more interested to play the game.

I like MGS for the same reasons I like Lost... If taken light-heartedly, impossible happenings, faux intrigue, and convoluted stories can be kinda fun even if the Cheese Meter shoots through the roof at points.

I have my theories about the arm. In the end I don't think it'll make sense, entirely (if Kojima cares to give some new info about that), I think that bit of the plot will remain farfetched as ever, but hopefully it'll have some logic.

Hey, it just hit me...can anyone tell me if any of the reviews talk about Metal Gear Online? It seems MGO will be getting its own reviews (as it should since it's a stand-alone game) but since the starter is included in the same disc with MGS4 shouldn't reviewers at least describe it? It's part of the same package, and it would be useful information for consumers (I know quite a few people who are confused about this game).

I'm not sure if the MGO servers are already up and running at optimal capacity for early reviewers (well, I think the 'Beta' was, and that was weeks ago), but since it's looking clear reviewers are not taking the MGO starter as part of the MGS4 experience (again, it shouldn't be considered for its review) is the MGO "starter" going to have its own reviews? MGO starter is more than a demo, the name says it all and it's also been explained it's not a demo but a fully developed game that will be expanded in the future.

Magnific0 said:
Hey, it just hit me...can anyone tell me if any of the reviews talk about Metal Gear Online? It seems MGO will be getting its own reviews (as it should since it's a stand-alone game) but since the starter is included in the same disc with MGS4 shouldn't reviewers at least describe it? It's part of the same package, and it would be useful information for consumers (I know quite a few people who are confused about this game).

I'm not sure if the MGO servers are already up and running at optimal capacity for early reviewers (well, I think the 'Beta' was, and that was weeks ago), but since it's looking clear reviewers are not taking the MGO starter as part of the MGS4 experience (again, it shouldn't be considered for its review) is the MGO "starter" going to have its own reviews? MGO starter is more than a demo, the name says it all and it's also been explained it's not a demo but a fully developed game that will be expanded in the future.

 I guess it will be a stand alone game and not included in the game itself. I would not be surprised if would end up to be a PSN game;