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rocketpig said:
Shameless said:
rocketpig said:
colonelstubbs said:
The story is easy to follow!

Something about clones....and....and arms....and....yeah

I love the arm bit. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when it happened in MGS2.

I mean, WTF, was Ocelot just wandering around Shadow Moses until he found Liquid's body, saying to himself "Ah, I'm missing a hand and this fella here doesn't seem to need his anymore", proceeding to chop off Liquid's arm and carry it away in a tote bag?

According to people that've played through the game there are good explanations for things like that in MGS4.

Oh boy, now I'm even more interested to play the game.

I like MGS for the same reasons I like Lost... If taken light-heartedly, impossible happenings, faux intrigue, and convoluted stories can be kinda fun even if the Cheese Meter shoots through the roof at points.

I have my theories about the arm. In the end I don't think it'll make sense, entirely (if Kojima cares to give some new info about that), I think that bit of the plot will remain farfetched as ever, but hopefully it'll have some logic.