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Forums - Sony Discussion - Bluray vs hddvd - HD-DVD Buyers Beware

@ Golvellius

I understand your point and it's a good one, but we don't know how the "voting" was handled, we however do know a majority of leading electronics manufacturers and content providers are actually pushing for Blu-Ray.

As for the disc size, let's leave it at that. I do not argue that the disc space offered by a BD is handier than having to compress all data to the maximum extent and maybe having to split the game into 2 or 3 DVDs. I'm just saying one could live without it.

Well a 50 GB game in the same quality would require at least 6 dual layer DVDs or even more if data is being duplicated on the disc to reduce disc swapping.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

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@Mike B
I should have specified that Blue-ray blank media is more expensive then HD-DVD. And while you are right that tha average HD-DVD is selling for more then the average Bluray, there is a different reason. The reason I belive those prices are skewed is because the multi disc Sopranos, Matrix's and Planet earth are some of HD-DVD's best sellers. If you look at the average selling price of their regular DVD's they are very similar. It does appear that Sony is willing to take a bit of a hit in margins, to keep the prices low. This appears to be working as they are selling better then HD-DVD.

"Blu-Ray is far superior than HD-DVD. Why go for the lesser quality? Blu-Ray is proven to produce better video quality than HD-DVD."

HD-DVD and BR video is exactly the same. Any differences would relate to the model of player your watching it on.

footbag said:
@Mike B
I should have specified that Blue-ray blank media is more expensive then HD-DVD. And while you are right that tha average HD-DVD is selling for more then the average Bluray, there is a different reason. The reason I belive those prices are skewed is because the multi disc Sopranos, Matrix's and Planet earth are some of HD-DVD's best sellers. If you look at the average selling price of their regular DVD's they are very similar. It does appear that Sony is willing to take a bit of a hit in margins, to keep the prices low. This appears to be working as they are selling better then HD-DVD.

"Blu-Ray is far superior than HD-DVD. Why go for the lesser quality? Blu-Ray is proven to produce better video quality than HD-DVD."

HD-DVD and BR video is exactly the same. Any differences would relate to the model of player your watching it on.

 Actually BluRay can produce better looking video, using the higher bitrate.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

" Actually BluRay can produce better looking video, using the higher bitrate."

Theoretically CAN, but doesn't. I haven't seen any review that gives Blueray an edge in picture quality. I excluded all articles before febuary of this year, so the MPEG-4, VC-1 wouldn't be a factor. Being that the quote is "Blu-Ray is far superior than HD-DVD. Why go for the lesser quality?" I'm just wondering, first why its superior and second why its far superior.
I would love a link explaining though. I'm always searching for new info.

@ footbag

I should have specified that Blue-ray blank media is more expensive then HD-DVD.


Maxell 25 GB Blu-Ray Recordable $16.30 (5 pack)
Maxell 15 GB HD DVD Recordable $13.87 (5 pack)

For Blu-Ray that makes 13 cents per GB.
For HD DVD that makes 18 cents per GB.

HD-DVD and BR video is exactly the same. Any differences would relate to the model of player your watching it on.

The specifications are not the same like Kwaad pointed out, generally speaking they are higher for Blu-Ray drives. But HD DVD is a significant step up from DVD and the difference between HD DVD and Blu-Ray will be much harder to spot, factors like the quality of the player and how this works together with the rest of the Audio Visual setup may well produce greater differences.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

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If you bought your movies or games by the GB, then you would be right to include the cost per GB. Otherwise it would be more accurate to just post the cost per disc.

I belive that most of the current HD-DVD's and BR discs are all outputting video at 18Mbps. So HD-DVD can theoretically increase by 30% and BR by 125%. BR has more room for improvement, but they're not using it yet. At the current moment both formats look identical.

The best comparison is really between single layer Blu-Ray disks, and double layer HD-DVD as they are the closest in capacity.

Also, @footbag, the reason he posted cost per GB was that he was talking about recordable disks, where of course that is important.

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower


@ footbag

If you bought your movies or games by the GB, then you would be right to include the cost per GB. Otherwise it would be more accurate to just post the cost per disc.

 I think you forgot an earlier point that most HD DVD movies require a dual layer disc and most Blu-Ray movies require a single-layer disc.

 If you want to store computer files (zip files, JPEGs, mpegs, etc) cost per GB is relevant.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Tispower said:
The best comparison is really between single layer Blu-Ray disks, and double layer HD-DVD as they are the closest in capacity.

Also, @footbag, the reason he posted cost per GB was that he was talking about recordable disks, where of course that is important.

 The eproductwars chart was not for recordable discs, but for average movie sales.  Cost per GB would be  important if either the PS3 could record discs or there were large numbers of BR recorders out in the field.  

MikeB said:

@ footbag

If you bought your movies or games by the GB, then you would be right to include the cost per GB. Otherwise it would be more accurate to just post the cost per disc.

I think you forgot an earlier point that most HD DVD movies require a dual layer disc and most Blu-Ray movies require a single-layer disc.

If you want to store computer files (zip files, JPEGs, mpegs, etc) cost per GB is relevant.

 You don't buy your movies by the layer either, so that's a false point.

As for cost per GB, that's always been about as much as the seller as the format. Not every company sells their blank DVDs at the same price, and that's not even with a rival format. 

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