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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Wii and Ps3 going at it for a decade. 360 too? How will the sales go?

I heard from someplace that Nintendo was going to break the limit of a console gen, with Sony, and go 10 years long with the Wii. Is it true.? This would be a great idea, as I really don't see people caring about its tech. I mean, it wouldn't necessarily mean Nintendo won't release their next system, it just means their userbase for Wii would expand, so more would know the Wii brandname. How will the Wii and Ps3's sales look like after a decade? I am curious. I see Ps3 at 75 mil, with Wii at 120 mil or higher. And, if Wii and Ps3 are going at it for 10 years, what about the 360? It's got live, great games, and a nice price to match. I know how they killed the box after 4 years, but now, since the 360 is profitable, will they make a 10 year cycle for it? I need answers.

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You heard where? If you don't remember where you heard it from, it likely wasn't a very reliable source.



hum they last 10 years all f them I4m going back to PC gaming way before that..... come on 10 years that's just milking the cow to the death

It was an article I read, but I can't put my finger on it. It said that Nintendo was going to join Sony in keeping a long cycle for the Wii as they thought a shorter gen wouldn't bring enough profit into the gaming industry. Is the Wii going to last for 10 years?

How will the Wii and Ps3's sales look like after a decade? I am curious. I see Ps3 at 75 mil, with Wii at 120 mil or higher.

... just 7.5mil a year.... wow...

They sold 6.8mil it's first year without being in Europe for half of the year...

And they already sold 6.6mil in its 2nd year with another half a year left...

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well looking at nintendo I can see them keeping the basic Wii architecture and upgrade it a little a la gameboy color.... in that case maybe but all that 10 year cycle story depends a lot on what the competition is doing.....

my cellphone will look better than the wii in 8 years...
im already impatient for the next handheld...
they said the gc would last 10 years, too



Wii can't last 10 yrs, nor would Nintendo allow it that long anyways. Wii is sorta an intermediate console for Nintendo. Meaning it's goal is to flip things around and put things back on its side. From a strategy point of view of course. Then as soon as it's certain this has happened and Wii has secured the front, Nintendo comes out, before the competition, and completely takes the next generation, which then they'll hold out for 10 yrs.

Zucas said:
Wii can't last 10 yrs, nor would Nintendo allow it that long anyways. Wii is sorta an intermediate console for Nintendo. Meaning it's goal is to flip things around and put things back on its side. From a strategy point of view of course. Then as soon as it's certain this has happened and Wii has secured the front, Nintendo comes out, before the competition, and completely takes the next generation, which then they'll hold out for 10 yrs.


I agree, I really think that this is going to be the way Nintendo plays it out. After capturing such a large market the idea will be to make the next console complete enough that it does not leave the competition with enough competitive space to leverage to win customers back.

Str8knox said:
It was an article I read, but I can't put my finger on it. It said that Nintendo was going to join Sony in keeping a long cycle for the Wii as they thought a shorter gen wouldn't bring enough profit into the gaming industry. Is the Wii going to last for 10 years?

The PS3's life cycle will look just like the PS1 and PS2's life cycles did, if everything works out for Sony. That is, it will be succeeded by a superior console about 5 years into its life cycle but Sony will keep it on shelves another 5 years, approximately.

With the 360, it's hard to say. MS may continue to support it, but whenever you continue support of an old product it can be at the cost of the new product. Microsoft's overall approach to consoles has been different.

Also, the 360 is not yet profitable. MS has had a profitable year, followed by a profitable quarter. Overall, the 360 has put MS deep into the red.

Consider a 10 year old console right now: the N64 is twelve years, the PS1 is almost 13.  Current "next gen" systems like the PS3 and 360 are already looking pretty aged, as nothing that's come out for them lately has looked impressive in any way.  Do you really expect the PS3 to be around more than 8 years from now when home systems literally have hundreds of gigs of memory?