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I heard from someplace that Nintendo was going to break the limit of a console gen, with Sony, and go 10 years long with the Wii. Is it true.? This would be a great idea, as I really don't see people caring about its tech. I mean, it wouldn't necessarily mean Nintendo won't release their next system, it just means their userbase for Wii would expand, so more would know the Wii brandname. How will the Wii and Ps3's sales look like after a decade? I am curious. I see Ps3 at 75 mil, with Wii at 120 mil or higher. And, if Wii and Ps3 are going at it for 10 years, what about the 360? It's got live, great games, and a nice price to match. I know how they killed the box after 4 years, but now, since the 360 is profitable, will they make a 10 year cycle for it? I need answers.