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The Ghost of RubangB said:
I don't know why the 111 members currently online aren't all in here cheering you on. I've been refreshing this tab all day. I wish I had this game now. You play dead? You walk through minefields and a vehicle appears for you?

Does anybody know how much this game cost with or without the advertising?

I would be so frustrated right now if I was playing this sober. But right now, this shit is funny.

The best part is me, drunk off my ass in WC Fields style, strafing around enemies while they crouch behind a barrier I didn't just cross, I flew by it 15 seconds ago to kill that stupid yellow-visored asshat with the shotgun a good 30 meters behind them and then turned around to get them from behind just so I could run up and melee them for shits and giggles.

That's the way I'm playing this game right now. I'm that drunk and the AI is that stupid.

My future photoshoot after beating this game:

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On October 22, 2007 Ubisoft announced that rock band Korn had written and recorded an original song inspired by Haze. The song, which is also entitled "Haze", is due for release to coincide with the game's launch in May. "Haze" will be released and promoted as a full-fledged single and music video, not just as an exclusive download with the video game. On February 26, 2008 a new trailer called "Nectar trailer" was released and featured the song.

Promotional photo of Korn single "Haze"

The Ghost of RubangB said:
I don't know why the 111 members currently online aren't all in here cheering you on. I've been refreshing this tab all day. I wish I had this game now. You play dead? You walk through minefields and a vehicle appears for you?

Does anybody know how much this game cost with or without the advertising?

Out of those 111 members, at least 10 of them are probably site administrators saying "oh fuck, what the hell is this asshole doing now..."

BTW, I <3 everyone on the administrative team at VGC. They give me way more leeway than I would give myself if roles were reversed. 

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BTW, did no one get the movie reference that was my OP?

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I also own the game,,,,,It's no 4.5,,,they were really harsh with that mark,,,it's more like 7

The game needed more polishing,,,they really needed sony to help them to understand the hardware better,,,some of the textures look like PS2 games.there are some bugs with the AI,and some times I don't know where I should go,,,,but it's fun with friends

not 4.5
not 8

but rather 6.5-7

so I guess the nectar is also running through your brain by now ;)




Around the Network

I have to give the game credit for steering drunken dipshits like me in the right direction. Unlike most other games, it actually tells you where to fucking go if you accidentally decide to start trolliping through the tulips.

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SpartanFX said:
I also own the game,,,,,It's no 4.5,,,they were really harsh with that mark,,,it's more like 7

The game needed more polishing,,,they really needed sony to help them to understand the hardware better,,,some of the textures look like PS2 games.there are some bugs with the AI,and some times I don't know where I should go,,,,but it's fun with friends

not 4.5
not 8

but rather 6.5-7

so I guess the nectar is also running through your brain by now ;)

The graphics aren't that bad. They're on a Dead Rising level, which is definitely below where they should be but acceptable none-the-less.

Overall, this game is going to be a... 


Well, you'll just have to wait for that. This game is not a hardware problem, it's an idea implementation problem. There's a great game laying underneath this but the execution is wrong in almost every aspect I can find.

Dude, right now I'm going to high five myself for spelling "implementation" correctly. 

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rocketpig said:
BTW, did no one get the movie reference that was my OP?

I didnt get it. What movie did you reference?


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

God I love Jager. Only problem is that it tastes so good when chilled, that it goes down A LOT quicker than anything else I drink. I have had quite a few "what happened last night?" nights on Jager...only to be told what happened the next morning...Oh dear GOD!!

Currently Playing:

PS4 - Killzone:SF and Assasins Creed 4


XBox One: BF4, CoD:Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5


Changing channels with my voice: priceless!!!

Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Jake: Hit it.

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