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The Ghost of RubangB said:
I don't know why the 111 members currently online aren't all in here cheering you on. I've been refreshing this tab all day. I wish I had this game now. You play dead? You walk through minefields and a vehicle appears for you?

Does anybody know how much this game cost with or without the advertising?

I would be so frustrated right now if I was playing this sober. But right now, this shit is funny.

The best part is me, drunk off my ass in WC Fields style, strafing around enemies while they crouch behind a barrier I didn't just cross, I flew by it 15 seconds ago to kill that stupid yellow-visored asshat with the shotgun a good 30 meters behind them and then turned around to get them from behind just so I could run up and melee them for shits and giggles.

That's the way I'm playing this game right now. I'm that drunk and the AI is that stupid.

My future photoshoot after beating this game:

Or check out my new webcomic: