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FYI, installs are annoying.

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DMeisterJ said:
ecurbj said:
Damn rocket, I hope you enjoy it. I did but quickly realized it is not worth my precious $60.

At this time of age..$60 needs to be spent on awesome software. Haze is kinda suspect.

So I hope you enjoy it or you won't knowing you :P

Why not download the demo and try it?

It seemed okay to me.

I downloaded it already and I enjoyed it kinda. It was kinda dull like any other shooter

I would give it a 6 or a 7 out of 10. But general speaking I will play this game, but right now Free Radical doesn't deserve $60 from me. It was a average-the-mill shooter.

The co-op online campiagn has me thinking about purchasing it, but I will think about it :)

da hell....

rocketpig said:
FYI, installs are annoying.

You ain't never lie!!!!

psrock said:
at least we know one person bought it.

He didn't buy it, its more like renting it.

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I dig the install music.

Or check out my new webcomic: buy HAZE 3 weeks before MGS4...its gonna seem even worse now..

we'd like your thoughts tho

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I think the problem with Haze review scores isn't that it's a worse game, or close to lair in terms of numerical score, but that points were deducted from the score of it's game for mediocrity.

Let's face it, the game is a boring, done-to-death shooter... Which is fine, but it does have some beautiful drop-in/drop-out co-op which is awesome. But the game is mediocre, so one would expect a 7 as a score, as most people suspected.

After playing the demo, it seems to me that while it is a flawed game, it's not deserving of the score that it got.

It does have dated visuals, but no game on the PS2 or XBOX or GC would look as good as it.

I think that mediocrity killed this game, and I'm not entirely certain it's deserving of the scores it's getting.

ecurbj said:
psrock said:
at least we know one person bought it.

He didn't buy it, its more like renting it.

lol, lair might be more successful, i had to go and play Encharted again to get the bad taste of the demo off my mind.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
ecurbj said:
DMeisterJ said:
ecurbj said:
Damn rocket, I hope you enjoy it. I did but quickly realized it is not worth my precious $60.

At this time of age..$60 needs to be spent on awesome software. Haze is kinda suspect.

So I hope you enjoy it or you won't knowing you :P

Why not download the demo and try it?

It seemed okay to me.

I downloaded it already and I enjoyed it kinda. It was kinda dull like any other shooter

I would give it a 6 or a 7 out of 10. But general speaking I will play this game, but right now Free Radical doesn't deserve $60 from me. It was a average-the-mill shooter.

The co-op online campiagn has me thinking about purchasing it, but I will think about it :)


Exactly what I thought.


But not 4.5 dull.