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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The future of gaming (genre oriented)

The way the tides are pulling back and pushing forward seems to be pushing in something that was wasn't too far out to sea.


But from the way it looks, there is a distinction in what gender plays what, ie. Girls will play Imagine babies (some guys) and Guys will play GTAIV (some girls), of course there are those of both genders that stay away from both specific examples but I think that's pretty fair of me to say up to this point.


The seperation... the real seperation of gaming seems to be making it self very clear recently, females and males, certain genres will fall more into one than the other, certain fiction & nonfiction will be more recognizable under one banner than the other - is this where gaming is going?


This is just my speculation... I have nothing to really conclude on it, but it would be amazing to see such a thing. I wonder who would come up with the middle ground games first.

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I'd say yes and no.

Yes we will see more 'pink' games especially on Wii/DS. However so called pink games cater to girls moreso than women and that's a big oppurtunty out there for someone to capitalize on - the entire women market.

There's two ways to do this - Games specifically for women (IE: Sex and the City Sim) or and this is what I expect more of, to make games that appeal to both. Many RPGS and Games like Zelda enjoy women players now but for a broader appeal they would need to focus less on fighting and more on interaction and puzzles. That's not a far stretch for some games.

Also expect more 'lifestyle' games like Wii Fit and Brain Age that equally appeal to both sexes.