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Forums - General Discussion - I need Computer help!

I'm running two games on my computer but they lag sometimes, really bad sometimes, what do I need to do to get the game to load faster and run smoother. Please please please help!




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Does anyone know?




Simple answer: upgrade

Long answer... It depends... What games? What's you specs (CPU and amount of RAM)?

Thanks for posting, the games I have are City of Heroes and Star Wars Galaxies but I don't know what the specs of the computer are. How much would it cost to upgrade the Ram and Processing power of a computer?




if your computer should be running the game fine, you've probably been infected with something nasty. I would say run anti-spyware etc but they generally don't work. How old is your Windows install? if it's more than a year old then it will be full of bloatware, and things tend to linger.

Look at your system tray, if it has more than 10 icons, you are probably running too much crap in the background. If you have an old Windows install, I recommend a complete reinstall, and be careful what you install (Do not put Norton or McAfee on your computer, it will kill your performance considerably)

Another solution (if the games support it) is to install Linux.

Of course, it's highly possible that your PC is simply not up to task, in which case, have a look at the requirements of the games. More RAM often helps performance, apart from that the only thing you can really do is upgrade.

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Thanks OMG I will do that but on a side note my computer runs WoW just fine with no problems at all everything is smooth. But it lags on Star Wars and City of Heroes.




you're a real MMORPG fan I see. ;) Generally unless you're computer is really old they should be able to handle them with no worries, MMORPG's generally run fine on lower specced machines.

I assume by lag you mean game lag and not network lag?

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Yeah, is it game lag, or network lag. If it's game lag, then the easiest thing to upgrade your computer would be to buy more RAM, however if you have a separate gpraphics card, then you could replace that, because it may be your graphics card isn't powerful enough or have enough memory.

If it's network lag, then see if you can talk to your internet provider and see of they can upgrade yoour connectiom, however if it's their end, then the only thing you can really do is get in contact with their customer support, because they may have a problem with their servers.

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower


If you don't know what spec your machine is, go to the start menu, got to 'run' type in: dxdiag
It should come up with a screenshot like this:

To find out what graphics card you have, simply go to the display tab 

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower


It's Game lag, I have broadband internet, and I will get the specs of my computer as soon as I get home. How much does a graphics card/ extra Ram cost (item and install cost). Thank You again for you info.