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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - So...I'm abusing my 360

Machina-AX said:
Bioshock, Dead Rising, Mass Effect, Forza 2, Gears of War, PGR 4 are some of the main reasons I bought my 360. Haven't played it yet so no idea whether they actually live up to my expectations, but they certainly have me excited.

Don't bother with PGR4 unless you really love racing games, but you hate racing sims.  Forza 2 is awesome if you like racing sims.

If you like what basically boils down to puzzle games, i'd recommend Hitman: Blood Money.  That's a goodin.  It is worth noting with Dead Rising that the save system is archaic, so if you have limited intervals in which you can play (say, 60 minutes at a time), you might get a little frustrated because you may not get a chance to save and your progress can get lost. 

Around the Network

Next Gen games available on the 360 that I would like if I only owned a 360:

Eternal Sonata




Gears of War(overrated, imo, but ok)

Mass Effect

Lost Odyssey



The Darkness

Orange Box

Dead Rising

Condemned 1 and 2

Call of Duty 4

Halo 3(overrated, sucks compared to the first one, but ok)

Hitman: bloodmoney


Marvel: Ultimate Alliance


Coming Soon:

Ninja Gaiden 2
The Last Remnant
Too Human
Fable 2
Gears 2
Fallout 3

Alan Wake

Infinite Undiscovery



Sorry about the spacing, does that sometimes when I copy/paste from text documents. Also, skip Assassin's Creed, imo.



1. Symphony of the Night

2. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

3. Stubbs The Zombie

4. Ninja Gaiden Black

5. Fable

6. Rez HD


Niche genres/franchises:

1. Madden

2. Tiger Woods

3. Guitar Hero 3

4. Rock Band


6. Rainbow 6 Vegas

7. Racing games(Burnout, Forza, PGR(is this a 360 game, lol?), Grid)

I hate racing games, as you can tell.


That's all I can think of.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Beautiful Katamari. Very addictive and a load of fun.
Mass Effect and Oblivion if you're into WRPGs.
Gears of War.
Orange Box.

Thanks for everyones response :D

I already played Fable for the Xbox but I lost my copy. xD I may pick it up again.

I don't have XBL because I lack the money to pay for it but I may look into that Castlevania game. I've borrowed and beaten Halo 3 and CoD4 and Mass Effect really bored me in the beginning. I do wanna try GoW and Lost Odyssey.