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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Motion controller & Mii Confirmed! M$ will Win the war eventually!

The Ghost of RubangB said:

Motion sensing + HD is a wide gamut from Super Rub-A-Dub to Lair.


I'd also like to add that Rare's involvement in this is the last nail in their coffin for me. They're dead to me now.


Wow, Super Rub-A-Dub! You got it, this game needs to be recognized by everyone else!


Poor PS3 Sales Means Smaller Losses

"Actually, because the number of units sold was not as high as we hoped, the loss was better than our original expectation," Quotes from Sony’s CFO Nobuyuki Oneda.

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macross said:

Xbox 360 Motion controller & Mii Confirmed! M$ will Win the war eventually (even with RROD) with the addition & Strong free Internet support !


'Newton' controller and Microsoft Mii system well into development, claims Xbox World 360

Another magazine has piped up to claim that the Xbox 360 motion controller 'Newton' is real, making the 360 Wii Remote look even more likely to be the real deal.

In its latest issue, Xbox World 360 reports that its own sources have "confirmed" that both the 360 motion contoller and Rare-helmed Xbox 360 'Mii' project are real, and will be out before the end of the year.

Last month MTV reported it's heard all about the 'Newton' controller from an unnamed developer, and then the blokes at 8bitjoystick piped up to say they'd heard about the Newton and Rare 'Mii' project as well.

"This month, sources confirmed to us that both projects are real, which shouldn't come as a surprise given Microsoft's eagerness to ensnare the casual market," says Xbox World 360.

"The Microsoft Mii system is well into development at Rare's offices here in the UK, while the controller itself remains more mysterous," the mag continues.

"Partnering with a third-party hardware developer as Nintendo did, Microsoft would want to bring the controller to market before the end of 2008."

Last week Microsoft Game Studios boss played dumb on the Newton rumours, telling us: "I've never heard of a motion sensing controller... I don't know what you are talking about..."

Xbox World 360 issue 66, with Resident Evil 5 on the cover, is on shelves now.

I am not a fanboy!


 My prediction:

Before the Newton is released, Nintendo will sue Microsoft. The Newton will then be prohibted from being released, and will not be released this generation. This lawsuit will last as long(or longer) as the Dualshock 2 Rumble one.

gimme gimmick gimme gimmick gimme gimme gimmick gimme gimmick gimme gimme gimmick gimme gimmick gimme gimme gimmick gimme gimmick gimme gimme gimmick gimme gimmick gimme gimme gimmick gimme gimmick gimme gimme gimmick gimme gimmick gimme gimme gimmick gimme gimmick gimme gimme gimmick gimme gimmick gimme

I love how people generally underestimate Microsoft whenever MS attempts to compete with already established software, business, or technologies.

People always say MS will never make it. But a few years later they usually find themselves using MS products left and right and they go like "meh". It's almost funny.

To be fair, MS doesn't always succeed, but when they do they usually get it right on their third try, I think. So yes, their next console is going to be very interesting.

No, it's not going to stop  'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop  So just ... give up
- Aimee Mann

Magnific0 said:
This should be interesting. I don't think MS will just carbon-copy the Wii stuff, they could improve it. I'm surprised they took so long. I would've done this as soon as the Wiimote was announced. Right now I would be selling $125 PS2s and $280 Arcade 360s packed-in with their own "Moes" and some sort of game collection that put Wii sports to shame (specially something on the 360).

 Microsoft improve something, there's a concept. Microsoft never really innovates; it's just not their way. They copy and then use market clout to take over. Unfortunately, they don't have any market clout to leverage. They aren't exactly known for reliability (RRG) so they can't even be expected to improve quality. I've never seen figures on Nintendo's console failure rate but I suspect it's a good deal better than the Xbox.

Improve what? The only complaints about the Wiimote (which is remarkably good technology) is lag, lack of precision and proper implementation in the game. Lag and lack of precision are really inherent in the difference between tracking a swinging arm by an accelerometer on one end and using a short axis analog stick. It's like trying to write perfectly with a six foot long pencil, it's not going to happen.

How it's integrated into a game is a matter of learning curve and it will be as long for them as it has been for Nintendo and seeing how rapidly it is improving, they'd never catch up. Besides, if you imagine that game developers already struggling with developing HD games without budgets going astronomical are just sitting around thinking, gee I wish Microsoft would give us another major change to program and recruit new people with a different skill. Yea right


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MS is fucking assholes and I hope to god Nintendo sue or does something! They deserve to not be able to do this!

I don't know what people complain about, this has been in development since the first Xbox.


Anyone saying desperation from M$ I dont think understands casual gamers. Arcade pack is cheaper than wii in Europe. If M$ do a bunch of Sports title like Wii sports, some pure puzzle games and the like they may draw in some casual gamers. I think it shows smartness on M$ part. They could let Rare take on the sort of First/secondy party support from it.

If it makes an extra 20-30 thousand sales a week, it's a good move.

starcraft said:
senseinobaka said:
Nintendo has had wii sdks out for >2 years and devs have yet to get it right. That means that it will not be until 2011 when MS's newton can even phase nintendo. MS has to know that the turn around time will take years and will more than likely not make a big difference.

All this will do is legitimize nintendo's innovation and move it closer to standardization
Unless Microsoft has learned from third parties mistakes and Nintendo's successes............


Because Microsoft internet fanboys LOVE motion controls.


(Now that's how you do sarcasm on the internet) 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


aspirin said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
It will be such a hilarious shitstorm of bad press for MicroSoft and good press for Nintendo, and the HD crowd won't know what to do and they'll self-destruct!

Why ? I think they will be happy. Motion sensing + HD is still HD.

Are you really asking why fans/press will give microsoft a hard time over this, or are you just shilling?


...cause it's gonna be bad if this is true. MS is going for that Nintendo approach to PR, which is "We don't care what the internet thinks, lolz." Cause the internet is gonna hate this one.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.