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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Motion controller & Mii Confirmed! M$ will Win the war eventually!

Euphoria14 said:

Why would anyone be happy about this?

After all this, what sets the 360 apart from the Wii? Just graphics?

If this is all true, then it looks to me like an act of desperation.

If I want cutsie little Miis and Wiimote-like controls, I will play my Wii thank you. That is the beauty of it all, the choices.

How does MS ever expect to be on top if they just keep copying everyone? Do they even know what they want the XBox to be?

What comes after? Forza 3 with your XBox Miis in the driver seat?

Much better graphics, online, ability to play DVD's, completely different games, hard drive, movie downloads...I can keep going...

Around the Network

hmm i see on other website that remote is not in dev

wait and see before

Euphoria14 said:
kingofwale said:
Did they really called it "Mii"?? LOL

 Maybe they will call them Xiis :)

Yea! And you get to select what special forces equipment they equip. And you can be your xii in the next Halo.

Euphoria14 said:

Why would anyone be happy about this?

After all this, what sets the 360 apart from the Wii? Just graphics?

If this is all true, then it looks to me like an act of desperation.

If I want cutsie little Miis and Wiimote-like controls, I will play my Wii thank you. That is the beauty of it all, the choices.

How does MS ever expect to be on top if they just keep copying everyone? Do they even know what they want the XBox to be?

What comes after? Forza 3 with your XBox Miis in the driver seat?

lool,,,MS  did not know  what they want their console to be from the day one,,,that's why it's called Xbox,,,,,it's an unkown box 





jake_the_fake1 said:
should be interesting, I just wonder what their Mii's will look like.


Around the Network

Maybe they´ll try to test the waters with this thing, to see if they implement it from day one when their next system is released.

mesoteto said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
should be interesting, I just wonder what their Mii's will look like.

 LOLz, at least their's allot of detail in the body unlike the wii version.  XD

I really want it to be true

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

disolitude said:
Euphoria14 said:

Why would anyone be happy about this?

After all this, what sets the 360 apart from the Wii? Just graphics?

If this is all true, then it looks to me like an act of desperation.

If I want cutsie little Miis and Wiimote-like controls, I will play my Wii thank you. That is the beauty of it all, the choices.

How does MS ever expect to be on top if they just keep copying everyone? Do they even know what they want the XBox to be?

What comes after? Forza 3 with your XBox Miis in the driver seat?

Much better graphics, online, ability to play DVD's, completely different games, hard drive, movie downloads...I can keep going...

 What does it add that will easily set their games apart?

Copying their controls and Mii concept doesn't not make them equal in that regard and now superior based on online and graphics.

Smash works fine online and it's free. So Online in my opinion in a moot point when you consider the fact you need to pay for it.

$100 more + $50 for online to have nothing more than unecessary demos and graphics. I don't see the selling point.


One day they are geared towards the hardcore crowd, showing up with some good RPG titles, FPS, Action, etc... with a controller that works just fine. Now they want me to play my 360 as though it were my Wii.

Again I ask... what is the point?


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tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

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Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

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