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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - It's not CliffyB, it's Cliff Blezenksi.

In todays most "Who gives a flying crap" news, Clifford Blezenski, creator of Gears of War, doesn't want to be referred to as Cliffy B anymore... It's time for him to "grow up" and this will happen with a name change.

Will this help?

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your correct....that this is today's most "who gives a flying crap" news!

Poor little Cliffy B.

I'm just going to refer to him as Schnookums from this point forward.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Ok, no more Cliffy B, I got it. From now on, he will go by the title "developer formerly known as Cliffy B".

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This is what's thread worthy these days? I think you just put that up for the vg$, but at least the whole thread didn't implode like that Haze thread. Naznatips is going to slap up Darthdevidem01 with a ban hammer, if he keeps breaking parts of VG like that. So I'll give you credit for doing that right, but I'm still not going to give you any "flying crap", though.

How about "The designer formerly known as CliffyB"?

Or better yet, we call him "Gears of War Guy."

"Why hello, Gears of War Guy!  Nice weather we're having, Gears of War Guy.  May I take your coat, Mister Gears of War Guy?"

NintendoMonopoly said:
This is what's thread worthy these days? I think you just put that up for the vg$, but at least the whole thread didn't implode like that Haze thread. Naznatips is going to slap up Darthdevidem01 with a ban hammer, if he keeps breaking parts of VG like that. So I'll give you credit for doing that right, but I'm still not going to give you any "flying crap", though.

Do u get more $ for starting a thread than 1 regular post?

 And what did  Darthdevidem01 do in the Ha<ze thread?

I still don't understand what being called Cliff Blezenski will help him in being defined as more adult-like.

Like, I still think of him as the same.

He should stop dying his hair platinum blonde, wearing an earring, and not make games that only appeal to young males to be thought of as more of an adult, not a name change...

This is almost as bad as Puff Dad... Whoops, I mean diddy.

Slimebeast said:
NintendoMonopoly said:
This is what's thread worthy these days? I think you just put that up for the vg$, but at least the whole thread didn't implode like that Haze thread. Naznatips is going to slap up Darthdevidem01 with a ban hammer, if he keeps breaking parts of VG like that. So I'll give you credit for doing that right, but I'm still not going to give you any "flying crap", though.

Do u get more $ for starting a thread than 1 regular post?

 And what did  Darthdevidem01 do in the Ha

See here for more info on the day Haze killed VGChartz.

I didn't know you could force people to stop calling you a nick name. Not that I had really paid any attention to his name before. He was just "The Gears Of War Guy". Kind of makes him seem childish for making an announcement about it. OK. So, now he's Cliff Blezenski. I don't care just as long as Shigeru Miyamoto is still "Shiggy".