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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CRYSIS Who?? -- NEW Killzone 2 Screens!! WOW!

just wooow

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Crysis >>>>> Killzone 2 still.

They just look lovely. However, we will have to wait to play it ourselves before we dismiss it is as a rubbish shooter, because the press giving quite positive previews obviously doesn't mean anything

For a monochromatic texture pallet, it looks fantastic.   But not as fantastic as Crysis, sorry.

Don't think I'm suggesting KZ2 looks bad just because I feel Crysis looks better.

I mean Crysis had comparison shots between in game and real life referrence shots and it was at times very hard to differentiate between them.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

I appreciate the art direction in KZ2 more than I do in Crysis , the graphical quality in crysis is likely to be greater.

I think the gameplay looks more realistic than crysis though , the way the bodies respond to gun fire is crazy.

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@ viper, not in my house

Well, that proves those clips couldn't have been CGI, because I just witnessed a real-time shoot out in this thread. It was a real grindfest, but after the smoke cleared, I arose from the ashes unscathed. Honestly, I think we could have a little more professionalism on both sides of this argument.

I don't really care for all the greyness and I don't know about the legitimacy of the Crysis comments, but I do have to say the smoke and particle effects were certainly cool for a home console game. I don't see how people can get so worked up about, how certain they are that a game is good or bad, without it even being out yet.

looks good. I hope the other levels have less gray. Interesting that the screens are 1024x576. I wonder if that's going to be the native resolution of the game.

It looks good, UT3 quality, but it's not as good as Crysis.

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Formerly unknown as Vengi

Do you actually believe this looks better than crysis? If so I'm ready to post some comparisons.