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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CRYSIS Who?? -- NEW Killzone 2 Screens!! WOW!

Imperial said:

A game doesn't have to be graphicacly superior to "look good" you know . The graphical level of chrisis is wonderfull but it's pretty boring at the same time . I think the enviorments in Uncharted , GoW are prettier.


And by GoW I mean Gears.

 A rainforest boring? Crysis has the same environments as uncharted rainforest. Also that is what wii owners have been saying for over a year now, and people just ignored that. Oh and I believe he is speaking technically rather than artistically. 

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no I disagree their....physics of KZ2 hae already been shown in earth shattering explosions....and in grfx KZ2 is definetely better....especially the texture in the game (especially on the ship flying things) are tantalizingly brilliant!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Brown, gray etc.

One of the reasons Crysis looked so good is that there was actually COLOR.

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Dallinor said:
tabsina said:
I wonder what the gameplay pics will look like

Those are gameplay pics...

Well apart from the first one, that's artwork.

On topic: I'm liking the look of the ATV, Guerilla seem to have put an amazing amount of detail into the weapons and vehicles.

Really? Isn't this a FPS? Shouldn't the pictures have a gun at the bottom? Are you still so certain about what you say?

sc94597 said:
Imperial said:

A game doesn't have to be graphicacly superior to "look good" you know . The graphical level of chrisis is wonderfull but it's pretty boring at the same time . I think the enviorments in Uncharted , GoW are prettier.


And by GoW I mean Gears.

A rainforest boring? Crysis has the same environments as uncharted rainforest. Also that is what wii owners have been saying for over a year now, and people just ignored that. Oh and I believe he is speaking technically rather than artistically.

 Wii owners don't have the advantage of a console capable of HD resolutions thus alot of Wii games don't look crisp and realistic , citing the example of Zelda.
   The PS3 and PC at least have the advantage of displaying HD resolutions which is a major plus , which enables the developer to create something both hi res and artisticly beautiful. 
  Btw this looks nothing like cyrsis.


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darthdevidem01 said:

no I disagree their....physics of KZ2 hae already been shown in earth shattering explosions....and in grfx KZ2 is definetely better....especially the texture in the game (especially on the ship flying things) are tantalizingly brilliant!

Here is an example of crysis' physics.



Please explain to me how the textures are better in killzone?

darthdevidem01 said:

no I disagree their....physics of KZ2 hae already been shown in earth shattering explosions....and in grfx KZ2 is definetely better....especially the texture in the game (especially on the ship flying things) are tantalizingly brilliant!


Go check some Crysis physics video before you go any further.

The rEVOLution is not being televised


ok....see the killzone 2 video and you will know

In that video the crysis textures are bad..

Look at the textures on the sand & the explosion effect + smoke....once again I say PLEASE see the killzone vid in high quality

both smoke, explosion & physics oh and textures "in parts" are better..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

It's way more fun actually DOING it in a game....and throwing turtles into the sea is fun too.

Playing : PC  AOE, DiRT 2, Runes of Magic, Wings of Prey & Planetside 2  

Wii U : Nintendoland, Super Mario U  & Fifa 2013 demo

DS : Guitar Hero : On Tour

Formerly unknown as Vengi


I say again....I havn't seen a better bridge explosion & it falling down or a better Building explosion & it falling down than the KZ2 one.....I have seen that video in the past once

I still cling onto my point like a dog to his tail..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey