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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN gives Wii Fit a 8.0 WOW WHAT HAPPENED to core reviewers these days?

I don't get why people need to complain! 8 means Great! GREAT! it means "hey you should go out and try it!" and I hate it when people try to defend the game just for the sake of it, I think the scores are perfect and I will go in more detail:

Presentation 7: What they say is right, good presentation couple of mistakes with the BMI but it's good, spot-on

Graphics 5: I don't see why people get os pissed at this, they say it's simple and it serves it's purpose, but I can't imagine this getting a 9 or 10 just because it's right for the game! If we look at the graphics we can see that they are not outstanding graphics... does WiiFit need awesome graphics? No of course not, but that doesn't mean that their average graphics need to be rated higher!

Sound 6: Same reasoning for the graphics. it serves it's purpose, nothing else... Nothing you will want to have a DObly SUrround for, so a 6 is good for WiiFit

Gameplay 8: Again, the score is spot on, I mean what more do you want? As pure gameplay you can't expect this to get a 10! This is stuff I can do without the need of the Balance Board, sure the Balance Board helps you and gives you advice on how to do better, but you can't expect them to give an Excellence in Gameplay just for that!

Lasting Appeal 9: Why do people get pissed? it got a 9... Tell me what the hell is a difference between a 9 and a 10 on this category... In the description they say that there are lots of mini-games and you will come back to it for a long time... now imagine it without the 9... with that description, I'd imagine they are saying it's pretty good! So what's the problem people?

To conclude I say that many times people just get too defensive for these games! I mean when does a score really matters more than the game itself? Enjoy the game for what it is! It's not like Nintendo gives two shits if WiiFit got an 8 (which again it's a good score), this game will sell millions anyways!
But I don't know, you can continue to defend this game and say that it deserves all 10s... It's your opinion! I just think we are wasting so much time on this stuff that it's sad...