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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox World 360 magazine:Splinter cell conviction delayed

The Games of Xbox 360 in 2009

Pay attention! Games will be seperated into general genres of affiliation. The games themselves will have a subgenre attached into each individual entry. Therefore Splatterhouse and Resident Evil 5 will both be classified under Action, but Splatterhouse will have a "Hack N' Slash" subgenre and Resident Evil 5 will have a "Survival Horror" sub genre.

All games, regardless of levels of exclusivity, can be found within their genre categories bunched in together. To seperate the differences, we will have a color coded system.

Green=Titles to appear exclusively on the Xbox 360
Blue=Titles to appear on the Xbox 360 and PC platforms
Red=Titles to appear on the Xbox 360 and any other number of platforms including the Wii, PS3, DS, PSP or PS2.


Author's Picks

Bioshock 2-Q4 2009 (Gold Award)
Sub-Genre: First Person
Developer: 2K Marin
Publisher: Take-Two Games

The sequel to the popular first-person shooter.

Aliens: Colonel Marines-Q1 2009 (Silver Award)
Sub-Genre: First Person
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: Sega


In Aliens: Colonial Marines, players are part of a United States Colonial Marine squad and must prepare to face an Aliens assault more intense and horrific than ever before. Players must destroy the enemy with classic Aliens weaponry ranging from pulse rifles to flamethrowers as well as brand-new equipment.

Aliens: Colonial Marines features a story driven single-player mode and a four player co-op mode allowing players to share the chilling experience with three friends. In co-op mode, each player assumes the persona of a United States Colonial Marine and have a distinct role to play in the completion of every mission.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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maybe is a marketing trick from MS to challenge SONY`s major exclusives (Killzone2, GOWa3 end FF13). Also Alan Wake delayed for the next year...

The fact that it could come out in 2010 is absolutely insane- it was supposed to come out in late 2007! It could be 2 and a half years late, this has to be the worst delay of this gen.

Anway, I think it should stay exclusive to the 360. I've always considered Splinter Cell to be an Xbox franchise. (Even though I played SC 2, 3 and 4 on the PS2)



SC:Conviction will challenge FF13, GOW 3 & KZ2

right.....forget the genre difference & the magnitude of the titles above (atleast 2 of em anyway)

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


I am not saying about the genre or something like that. I am talking about console sales 360 competing directly PS3...

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Heh. I had a feeling this would happen.

Sucks though. So many games are getting delayed for both platforms. At first this year was looking to easily outdo the awesome '07. Now, not so much. :(

Well that blows. I don't think I would have bought this title this year, the Xbox 360 has to many awesome exclusives. I may buy it next year if its any good, but I'm really not a big fan of stealth.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Xboxdelay360 confirmed.

Sorry, even if it was true, you just can't get a funny name from Xbox.

I never cared for the series, always being disappointed and eventually lead towards Metal Gear Solid, but this one was actually looks interesting and not a graphic adjustment money grab that most of the other sequels are.

We shall see how it turns out.