@I like Bacon
See..Soriku doesn't have as much posts as this thread now!
@I like Bacon
See..Soriku doesn't have as much posts as this thread now!
Looks like the adventure mode will have plenty to twists.
Apologies if this has already been posted -- but I'm not searching through 10,000 posts. :)
@entroper: that was brilliant
also I didn't think this thread would storm past Soriku so fast.
Ben got the 10,000th post, and trestres the 10,000th reply.
while I'm here. GANONDORF!.
i just saw the update. cant wait to hear the hyrule feild -from ocarina- tune arrangement!
Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)
RolStoppable said: Although I haven't followed all these updates as closely as you guys and girls, I have to admit that the sheer amount of fanservice in this game really impresses me. Maybe I am going to buy the game later down the road. And yes, I wanted to have the 10.000th post in this thread, without a lame spam post might I add. |
Confirmed characters in the past day: Marth, Ness, Luigi, Game and Watch, Gannondorf, Lucario, Captain Falcon, Falco, and ROB.
Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager, VGChartzbzucker@vgchartz.com
this game will be huge, this will be my first smash bros (since i didn't have a Nintendo Console since nes)
So, uh... Good update today, eh?
"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."
Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.
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