O-D-C said:
Marth, Ness, Luigi, SSE movies, Intro movie, Mother boss, Sonic level, F-Zero level. |
O___O !!!
*goes to read through last five pages*
O-D-C said:
Marth, Ness, Luigi, SSE movies, Intro movie, Mother boss, Sonic level, F-Zero level. |
O___O !!!
*goes to read through last five pages*
O-D-C said: New video at Brawlcentral.com |
That is the video I found on CoroCoro on the last page. Now you guys can see it! Nothing new really. hehe
Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager, VGChartzbzucker@vgchartz.com
--OkeyDokey-- said:
O___O !!! *goes to read through last five pages*
Stupid Brawl Central I saw what happens to Ness :(
"Weird, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, so weird is acceptable to me."
Brawl Code: 1934-0329-3819 Pm me if you added me
From the Dojo:
First Songs in My Music
In Brawl there are many ways to add music to your collection, from picking up CDs to unlocking secret songs. However, the number of tracks you can access from the first time you boot up is also quite impressive!
Therefore, I thought I’d go ahead and post a list of songs available from day one.
Look at all those songs. Look at those big names....
Just think, that big list of songs is going to do nothing but grow as you pick up CDs and unlock additional melodies.
Man, having all this great music in Brawl is such an honor!
Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager, VGChartzbzucker@vgchartz.com
awesome!! todays update is...first songs in my music. yawn!!!!!
update is list of initial sound files, looks pretty decent to me, lots of stuff there
i cant see the video. ;-;
We've got plenty of juicy leaks...the Dojo update combined with the Iwata Asks update....really emphasizes how insane the music selection is.
Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release. (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )
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