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Ok, much more proof of Ness's return do you need??

Sure, you're not sure. But intuition, common sense, no evidence of similar moves to Ness yet, copyrights related to Mother 1 and 2...come on!

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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I hope ness is back just because they shouldn't remove any of the originals.

Never argue with an idiot.  They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Brawl FC: 0473-7449-8088

Well, that one is pretty solid evidence that it is a different moveset.

Also, Real Life Brawl Trailer



I think so too, it were others who disagreed. It will be sad to see if he wasn't in the game. Smash without Ness is like a Mario without Bowser... meaning it can happen. Mario has appeared in games without Bowser already.
So anything can happen. 90% he will be back in. The other 10% he will be a costume change. That's my guess.


Edit: with a little imagination, a snake can have the same effect as a yoyo.




MontanaHatchet said:


Rope Snake: It’s a tether move, used to latch onto things.

Also, I argued that Lucas was 100% in for sure, but that he/Ness would have to have a very different moveset in order for Ness to also be in.


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No Ben it's getting less likely with every screen. We had the move in the video that looked like PK Flash. We had the air side move that looks like Ness's double kick (except it was a single kick). We now have a move identical to the YoYo but as a Snake instead.


Lucas flies to kick and when to run out of the hexagonal light directing frequently appear.
Bullet emit light when, how atiptoe. そして「ヒモヘビ」についてはこちら And "one's snake" for more.


Yeah that bottom left one looks like an upgraded PK Flash (PSI Flash in Japan before they screwed up the translation). The bottom right looks like the YoYo replacement, and the upper right looks like Ness's air kick. Flash and all. I'm lowering my chances of Ness returning to 30% now.

naznatips said:
Yeah that bottom left one looks like an upgraded PK Flash (PSI Flash in Japan before they screwed up the translation). The bottom right looks like the YoYo replacement, and the upper right looks like Ness's air kick. Flash and all. I'm lowering my chances of Ness returning to 30% now.

 That's so sad.  I want Ness!  :(

Do yoyu think this week will be updates that are in game play. Like Zero Suit Samus FS.

Need people to play online with me for Brawl.

Name is DROAK.