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naznatips said:

Helios, I don't think Mega Man is confirmed at all. In fact, there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest he'll make it other than hopeful fans like you and me. He has a chance, but I honestly doubt Sakurai added anymore 3rd party characters other than Sonic.

I wish I didn't agree with you.

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naznatips said:
Ugh please stop suggesting horrible FFVII characters. It's a moot point anyway since they have never been on Nintendo consoles and only characters who have been on Nintendo systems have a chance.

Helios, I don't think Mega Man is confirmed at all. In fact, there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest he'll make it other than hopeful fans like you and me. He has a chance, but I honestly doubt Sakurai added anymore 3rd party characters other than Sonic.

DonWii, I don't think it's videos. This is the "albums" menu. If there is a videos option it will have it's own section.

fkusumot, Melee had snapshots too. This was done long before Halo 3 showed up.

I'm guessing the other option is something like a picture edit tool. Maybe where you can apply stickers or draw on them and such.

 Kefka is from FF6 and was on SNES.  And he is the best villain.  But he doesn't belong here.

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

Ha ha Naznatips, I laugh at your ignorance.



Galaki said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
MontanaHatchet said:

Kefka for Brawl! Think of the Final Smash possibilities!

bah, with crisis core just out in addition to all the other FF spin-off and updates, Sephiroth, even by popularity alone would be a far better choice.

Kefka is the best vg villian. 

Final Smash will blow up your Wii. 

Not really, as a villain he was unique but also cliche and as a character just simply fell into place, unlike Sephiroth he had no bond no connection, no interweaving story with the main character or any of the story's culminating events, he was just an external opportunist, a Richard the Third Character and good one but not a terribly deep one.

either way Sephiroth is far better known and far more appropriate as a camio character and would be much more suited for a Brawl Situation. 

Helios said:
Luigi is coming back. Mario had that outfit in Melee too, and if you look closely it has brown trousers, so it doesn't even look like Luigi.

Dark Link and Dark Meta Knight pwn BTW. I only worry Meta Knight is too powerful, but I guess they have ample time to balance these guys now. Yeah, about the delay, if you look at the Fire Emblem stage, you will notice the transitions between stages is just a simple fade. That's one of the reasons I'm glad it’s delayed. Of course, I live in Europe, so it's not like I was getting it this year anyway... On the plus side, I'd say Megaman is all but confirmed now.

 Whew.  I didn't see the brown.  You saved my life.

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

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Sephiroth has never been on a Nintendo console, and I hope he never is!

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

Except Sephiroth has never been on a Nintendo system.

It's like, damn, don't you already know this?



Galaki said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
MontanaHatchet said:

Kefka for Brawl! Think of the Final Smash possibilities!

bah, with crisis core just out in addition to all the other FF spin-off and updates, Sephiroth, even by popularity alone would be a far better choice.

Kefka is the best vg villian.

Final Smash will blow up your Wii.

It's never going to happen but it would be made of pure win.

And Gamer Girl, Kefka's personality came through in his manipulations with the empire and how he shaped the world. True he wasn't nearly as deep as some of the other characters in the game but he was far from flat or dull.  I do agree though that he wouldn't be the best suited character for a Smash Bros game though (but still can't keep me from dreaming).

Unless it's a bug, this video confirms that a character-in this case Pit- can use the Smash Ball more than once during a match.

Think about it!

The trailer for Kefka would have his infamous theme playing, and then all of a sudden Mario and the other regulars appear. Kefka knocks them away with some ice and fire attacks, and then it says...


Then, Kefka proceeds to jumping onto his stage, Kefka's Tower, as Mario and the regulars are in hot pursuit.

But of course, Kefka has something else up his sleeve. He turns around with an evil grin, and all of a sudden, Dancing Mad is playing in the background!

After kicking ass, he turns to the screen, and uses his taunt, his famous guffaw!

Kefka for Brawl!

Wait, what did I just say? I forget.