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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will Wii-Fit OUTSELL Ps3 by Xmas 09

and you have another year for all of 09 to go as that is still 08....   (assumy by 09 you are including all of 09)

It's possible...

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Munkeh111 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

how was physics??

 Eeeeeeeeasy. It was the "alternative to coursework" and is designed for foundation and higher tier, so it is incredibly easy

 What course were you guys doing, my physics exam was based on exploring the universe. What about you guys?

The excercise market is huge in NA, much bigger than the video game market. Wii fit could be a crazy cross over title.

jlauro said:
The excercise market is huge in NA, much bigger than the video game market. Wii fit could be a crazy cross over title.

if everything goes according to plan it will have CRAZY MOFO SALES!!


WiiFit will be 2008 #1 selling game in NORTH AMERICA!  
End of '08 Predictions: Wii - 48m X360 - 25m  PS3 - 19m
Wii monthly NA sales will top 400k every month in '08. *Jan sales ruined it. Grrrr!*
WiiFit will top 1m in sales in its first month of release in North America.
MGS4 will NOT be released in '08. *Darn it!* FF13 will NOT be released in '08.
Rockband Wii will top 600k in first month sales in North America.
WiiFit will pass the PS3 WW sales by Xmas '09.

That'd mean that Wii Fit would have something like a 30%-50% attach rate. Depending on where you see the Wii's and PS3's numbers for Christmas 09. Not gonna happen.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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Call me when Wii-Fit retails at $400 , what a stupid debate.

DarkNight_DS said:
That'd mean that Wii Fit would have something like a 30%-50% attach rate. Depending on where you see the Wii's and PS3's numbers for Christmas 09. Not gonna happen.

It sold 2 million in Japan since it launch there last december 1st. That's 5 months worth of sales.

US is twice the size of Japan and we are a fitness crazed society.

 WiiFit will be 2008 #1 selling game in NORTH AMERICA!  Bigger than GTA4,MGS4 and any other big game coming out.


WiiFit will be 2008 #1 selling game in NORTH AMERICA!  
End of '08 Predictions: Wii - 48m X360 - 25m  PS3 - 19m
Wii monthly NA sales will top 400k every month in '08. *Jan sales ruined it. Grrrr!*
WiiFit will top 1m in sales in its first month of release in North America.
MGS4 will NOT be released in '08. *Darn it!* FF13 will NOT be released in '08.
Rockband Wii will top 600k in first month sales in North America.
WiiFit will pass the PS3 WW sales by Xmas '09.

only time will tell if it can or not.

Proud Owner of all 3 current-gen systems

Currently Playing:
SSBB, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, MKWii, GTA IV (360), MGS4, DQIV, Jeanne d'Arc, FFVII: Crisis Core, Chrono Trigger (PSX)

Mario Kart FC: 4897-6731-4375
SSBB FC: 1504-5406-8515
Wii Friends Code: 1020-2726-1535-3964

PSN: PhatLaosBoi

I'm maintaining that Wii Fit will have a ~30% attach ratio, so that around 18 -20 million by early 09, but I think Ps3 will sell around 24 Million by that time, so....close but no cigar. It won't outsell it till 2010.

*disclaimer - If WiiFit gets bundled with Wii for a discounted price expect it to outsell the Ps3 by/before chrismas 2009.

Playing : PC  AOE, DiRT 2, Runes of Magic, Wings of Prey & Planetside 2  

Wii U : Nintendoland, Super Mario U  & Fifa 2013 demo

DS : Guitar Hero : On Tour

Formerly unknown as Vengi

No way in hell, I don't think Nintendo can even supply that much until end of the year! But I guess it will be above the PS3 in Japan for quite some time ;)