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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Question about 360 upscaling Xbox 1 games...

sc94597 said:
disolitude said:
Never mind...I answered my well as yours sc94597. It upscales it...

"The graphics are great. The downloadable Ninja Gaiden Black on the Xbox 360 looks better than almost every Wii game I have ever played. The game’s native resolution is 480p/widescreen which is about what the Wii outputs though I figure the Xbox 360 upscales it and in my case its upscaled to 1080i. The graphics look better than Twilight Princess for example."

Oh ok, I answered your question too late. Well I believe they said ALMOST, and it looking better than twilight princess doesn't really matter seeing as it is a gamecube port. I would also like to tell you that I've seen better on the wii, even though this is better than most. I might buy the game and see for myself, but by the pics you showed me It's not better than a few wii games graphically, but that can't be as accurate as seeing the game on a tv.

Yeah, its a great game if you haven't played it. A DVD of the game should look the same on the 360 and should probably be even cheaper than 15 bucks you pay when you download it...

Its actually really hard to compare to the wii as the games like this that I've played (soul calibur legends and no more heoes) don't really look as good mostly due to their lower budget nature.

The only game I've seen on the wii that put a smile on my face because of the visuals was Mario Galaxy. So someone who is brave enough should start a thread called Ninja Gaiden Black on 360 VS Mario Galaxy.

Not me tho as I'm going to bed. :) 

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Krusnik said:
not to derail the thread disolitude but what i wanna know is are the downloadable Xbox games in 4:3 aspect ratio or is it in 16:9 or are they adjustable

Depends on the game and how it was coded to begin with. Ninja Gaiden has both options as thats how the game was made in 2005. Halo 1...I doubt it has 16:9.


twilight princess was developed on game cube hardware not wii hardware, how does ninja gaiden compare to metroid prime 3??? thats the best wii game ive ever seen

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

disolitude said:
sc94597 said:
disolitude said:
Never mind...I answered my well as yours sc94597. It upscales it...

"The graphics are great. The downloadable Ninja Gaiden Black on the Xbox 360 looks better than almost every Wii game I have ever played. The game’s native resolution is 480p/widescreen which is about what the Wii outputs though I figure the Xbox 360 upscales it and in my case its upscaled to 1080i. The graphics look better than Twilight Princess for example."

Oh ok, I answered your question too late. Well I believe they said ALMOST, and it looking better than twilight princess doesn't really matter seeing as it is a gamecube port. I would also like to tell you that I've seen better on the wii, even though this is better than most. I might buy the game and see for myself, but by the pics you showed me It's not better than a few wii games graphically, but that can't be as accurate as seeing the game on a tv.

Yeah, its a great game if you haven't played it. A DVD of the game should look the same on the 360 and should probably be even cheaper than 15 bucks you pay when you download it...

Its actually really hard to compare to the wii as the games like this that I've played (soul calibur legends and no more heoes) don't really look as good mostly due to their lower budget nature.

The only game I've seen on the wii that put a smile on my face because of the visuals was Mario Galaxy. So someone who is brave enough should start a thread called Ninja Gaiden Black on 360 VS Mario Galaxy.

Not me tho as I'm going to bed. :)

 I think metroid prime 3 also compares. Some of the areas seem more detailed than ninja gaiden, but the charcacter models in ninja gaiden seem more detailed than prime3s. It matters on what the game revolves around. Metroid is more about the environment since it's an adventure game, while ninja gaiden is more about the character models since it's a beat em up?(not too sure) Either way they both look nice. I might have the guts to make that thread you wish, but I just got my credebility back after my samus in mario kart thread, and want to keep it for a while.