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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts Trailer!!!!!!!!

I can honestly say I am totally disapointed ... Its not so much that the game they produced looks bad, but I am a huge fan of Banjo Kazooie and this was certainly not what I really wanted.

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That is a platformer?

WTF is this crap?!?! We don't want a racing game. We got PGR4 and Forza 2!!! Give us an awesome Platformer!!!


The game looks pretty interesting. Has a wide variety of gameplay options it looks like. Part of it reminded me of Blastcorps.

Although I will say that the graphics (art direction) looks terrible. So tacky.

Dodece said:
Basically the complaint by many is that Rare has decided to be original. I am flabbergasted by the apparent shock of this development by some. Rare has never been a conventional developer. They take risks, and they think outside of the box. That is exactly what has made them so good. Had they been complacent with concepts the way many developers have been in the past we would not have a lot of very good games, and more specifically memories of games.

Ironically the very people throwing a shit fit over the changes are the same people that mock the likes of Electronic Arts for never deviating from the formula, or worse retreading last years offering with a new paint job. The reality is that platform games are one of the stalest of genres. You jump from one platform to another, and if the game is any good you spend hours trying to time your jumps correctly.

The games in this genre never have any replay value. They have no moving story, no social interaction, no definable choices, and almost no freedom. Thus you have no reason to go back and play the game again. You cannot deviate from the previous path. You have to do exactly the same thing again. Which is actually quite boring since your muscle memory is much more acute, and the challenges are no longer challenging, or the tasks were tedious to begin with, and will be tedious once more.

For these reasons I was relatively sure I was never going to waste good money on another platform title. Regardless of how well that title is made, because there is no point in buying something that will amuse you for a week perhaps two, and then never use it again. When there are so many games that you will buy, and revisit for months and years. Other genres allow you to recapture some of your experience without feeling like your just going through the motions again.

I had no major expectations for this title, or any gnawing desire to play it when it was released. I like Rare fine. I just do not like platform gaming anymore. However after watching the video I am actually giving the title a second consideration. I see a lot of freedom there. I also see the potential for social interaction with other players as we build our rides, and fight in a multiplayer environment.

You know what else I really like the potential for serious variation. You could probably play this game in so many ways. Platform elements, car racing, wave racing, air racing, vehicular combat on the ground, sea, and air. All wrapped inside of a single game. That is a lot of things to do, and something that will probably appeal to most anyone. The single player game be damned I want to get in a tussle with fifteen other people riding around in vehicles of their own design.

Seriously this has the potential to be very interesting indeed. Perhaps it was not what you were expecting. Does that necessarily mean it will be a bad thing. This game could reinvigorate the genre. I also suspect since it looks to be a all in one package that the title will probably sell very well indeed.

Thank you for saying what I wanted to in a much more eloquent manner. I was kind of thrown back after seeing the trailer but after reading some hands-on and seeing what Rare is trying to accomplish I think this game more than any has the ability to prove that they are still great developers. I think it shows some balls to give a big FU to what most of their fans wanted and try something innovative and new.

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It could be fun but it really doesn't look much like a platformer any more, more like a kart game.

Well that's disappointing. The game lost the base of the game. Banjo was one of the best platformers made. Vehicle combat? why? at least like others have said. tack it onto the side. Snap together vehicles? why isn't this a Lego game?

The graphics, grant it early, is not half as polished or what I expected. It doesn't even really look like the Banjo's model was made correctly. He looks misshaped.

Truly sad to see Rare kill another franchise. Oh well, maybe M$ will sell them off if Banjo fails.

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Well having played the original Banjo and the 2nd on the N64. And i loved Banjo way more than Mario 64.

This looks rather dissapointing.

From what i see.... why didn't they just make one world called Nuts & Bolts??????, instead of making the whole game it.

And well how are they going to make the other worlds now since theyll all have something in common....... metal/mechanics/nuts and bolts.

The old games were good cause no world was ever the same.... EVER!

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i like the whole idea of this game

instead of being a linear platformer u can approach a situation how u want to and the main hub looked like a gta: Banjo kazooie. Its nice to see that rare has some balls and made the game they wanted to make.

Munkeh111 said:
Looks nice, but nearly all the focus seems to be on vehicles, not platforming

 Exactly.  That's what I found to be so worrying about it.