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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Official Mario Kart Wii American GP League

Fun races. Especially the team ballon battle and team vs race close down to the wire.

1st gp

1.tuan 2. tuoyo 3.glory 4.younis 5.dan


2nd gp

1.glory 2. sherlock  3.tuoyo 4.tuan 5.dan 6.younis


3rd gp

1.glory 2.tuan 3.tuoyo 4.sherlock 5.younis 6.dan

Around the Network

how am i supposed to know when you all race

damkira said:
how am i supposed to know when you all race

fridays 9PM EST, European league is 9PM GMT, also fridays

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

starts in 15mins

Could someone please explain to me how I became so crap in this game.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


Around the Network
tuoyo said:
Could someone please explain to me how I became so crap in this game.

maybe you dont practice enough? either way its good that i can beat you now:P

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

^^ Its that giant tv its bad luck your not putting it to good use, send it my way . Good races today , that one bomb dan threw on the elevator was just too funny ...i got good ab workout laughing. Basically took us 4 out damn narrow path. Team race was just epic ...was in lead whole time then flew down the hole dman mushrooms ...i hate navigating through them 100 times 70 I would fuck myself up ....


1st gp

1.tuan 2. mario/younis tie 4.dan

2nd gp

1.tuan 2.younis 3.dan 4. mario 5. tuoyo 6. sherlock

3rd. gp

1.tuan 2.sherlock 3.mario 4.dan 5.tuoyo 6.younis


Team vs


tuoyo said:
Could someone please explain to me how I became so crap in this game.

You didn't become crap, we just got better. 

Switch: SW-5066-1525-5130

XBL: GratuitousFREEK

team vs match was the best, at first our team was down but somehow we managed to end the game with a tie good races lol

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

Can I play?

Also, I noticced how cheap the effects are in Mario Kart wii. Can't believe it took me so long to notice.