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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Bourne Conspiracy Demo

Has anyone else picked up their free DVD yet?

I popped mine in yesterday and played the first level, and I was pleasantly surprised. The level is the embassy escape from the first book/film and the gameplay is fairly simple, and has timed button presses to complete some tasks. If you fail to press the correct button you have to try again, and the button changes so you can't second guess it.
The fight controls use 3 buttons- Hard attack, light attack and block, with the B button coming into play as an adrenaline attack when you've built your meter up. During the fight sequences the camera switches to a side on view, which does make it a bit more difficult to see enemies the are behind you. As you take damage the screen starts to blur around the edges and the sound becomes slightly muffled.

I'm now going to play the other 2 levels and will report back my thoughts.

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It will be avaliable for me next week (from PSN) so I will play that as soon as I can

I have now played the paris chase scene in the mini, and it is very very easy. Too easy really. L/R triggers do their usual job with B being the hand-brake. Again it finished with a timed button press sequence, which seems to take the fluidity out of the game.

PS: The driving is so easy my 4yo beat it on agent difficulty on his first go.

It's now on the market place now apparently.