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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why GTA4 blows OoT our of the water.

Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:

BTW, Chess is probably a bad example to compare to videogames because it's quite possibly the greatest, most complex, and deep game ever created. That's a pretty damned high bar to set for anything else.

I notice you left "fun" off the list. Well played.

Chess is alot of fun, and I don't even need to mention that it helps develop your mind.

I've played chess for years until I started going to college. Just before I quit I had an ELO of just over 2000 and was one of the top players of my age in my country. The hardest part is learning the game (it was for me), but after you know the rules and how to move the pieces, you're set to have some fun.

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rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:

BTW, Chess is probably a bad example to compare to videogames because it's quite possibly the greatest, most complex, and deep game ever created. That's a pretty damned high bar to set for anything else.

I notice you left "fun" off the list. Well played.

Well, fun is pretty subjective.

Personally, I think Chess is loads of fun.

Ah but you're not being honest. When you thought up that list of adjectives for Chess, fun probably didn't even occur to you. You turn around and say "Of course it's fun; Words of Wisdom you're just being silly" but the truth is that fun isn't why you play Chess.

You said it and now you can't unsay it.

azrm2k said:
Viper1 said:

Now that we're off topic and on to something interesting, a discussion of great voice acting cannot consider itself credible without the absolute genius that is Eternal Darkness.

Very true. But you embedded the wrong video. The cinematic scene in videogames to which all others should measure up to: INSANITY PREVAILS



May the rats eat your eyes indeed.....

I wanted to post that one as well but it goes through all 3 creature inspections before getting to THE scene.


If ever there was an Oscar for video game voice acting, William Hootkins would win a few.


The rEVOLution is not being televised

Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:

BTW, Chess is probably a bad example to compare to videogames because it's quite possibly the greatest, most complex, and deep game ever created. That's a pretty damned high bar to set for anything else.

I notice you left "fun" off the list. Well played.

Well, fun is pretty subjective.

Personally, I think Chess is loads of fun.

Ah but you're not being honest. When you thought up that list of adjectives for Chess, fun probably didn't even occur to you. You turn around and say "Of course it's fun; Words of Wisdom you're just being silly" but the truth is that fun isn't why you play Chess.

You said it and now you can't unsay it.

Leaving out a word does not prove nor disprove my personal feeling about something, especially when I was focusing on the depth and complexity of it over my own personal sentiments.

It's rather arrogant of you to assume you know why I do or do not play a game.

Or check out my new webcomic:

This thread equals fail. OoT did so much for gaming. First time we ever had massive full 3d world. Far greater than anything before it. GtA doesnt even compare.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:

BTW, Chess is probably a bad example to compare to videogames because it's quite possibly the greatest, most complex, and deep game ever created. That's a pretty damned high bar to set for anything else.

I notice you left "fun" off the list. Well played.

Well, fun is pretty subjective.

Personally, I think Chess is loads of fun.

Ah but you're not being honest. When you thought up that list of adjectives for Chess, fun probably didn't even occur to you. You turn around and say "Of course it's fun; Words of Wisdom you're just being silly" but the truth is that fun isn't why you play Chess.

You said it and now you can't unsay it.

 But now we come to a whole new problem. Does a game need to be fun to be great? 

Some of the greatest movies of all time, Schindlers List being a prime example, are not 'fun' to watch, why does a game need to be fun to play? Some games are made to be fun, others to be emotional, thought provoking or tactical. 

rocketpig said:
dib8rman said:

I wonder if it was like this when Halo 3 came out or Brawl >.> What did some special person compare Halo to?

At one point or another on these forums, I'm pretty sure it was likened to The Messiah.

Or maybe even Bruce Campbell. 

Why list Bruce Campbell twice?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

dib8rman said:
I've learned my lesson, stay away from X game is better than Y game threads, as the person who started the thread is usually special.

My last tid bit - to many FF7 was the best to others FF6 to the ones later FF10, but we all know FFtactics was the best ;)

But with that aside even withing succession you can't compare them in general as each had it's strong points, except FFtactics for the PSX that one was sheer perfection and whoever was the script writer needs to revisit the industry.

I wonder if it was like this when Halo 3 came out or Brawl >.> What did some special person compare Halo to?

I don't remember Brawl being compared to FF7 or OoT, but I do remember some blokes comparing it to Halo XD. fanboys

 Beleive it or not (Maybe I'm on the wrong side of the fence) I liked FF4 more than FF7. Of the FF games, from the main console series, I have played my order would be:





FF original





Gnizmo said:
rocketpig said:
dib8rman said:

I wonder if it was like this when Halo 3 came out or Brawl >.> What did some special person compare Halo to?

At one point or another on these forums, I'm pretty sure it was likened to The Messiah.

Or maybe even Bruce Campbell.

Why list Bruce Campbell twice?

How did I know someone was going to respond with that?

Or check out my new webcomic:

You can't compare these games; While GTA4 is excellent, it is merely evolutionary, with some improvements over its predecessors. OoT, on the other hand, was revolutionary. It created 3D action games. It created the genre that led to sandbox games, like GTA3 and its successors. It was such a huge leap forward for games. It did everything right.

We'll see in 10 years whether or not GTA4 is considered a classic.