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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Crime Expert: GTA Controversy Over-Hyped

By Kris Graft

 Critics say Grand Theft Auto IV will incite youth gang violence, but one crime expert has said the controversy over the game is blown out of proportion. Leading North American gang crime expert and author Michael Chettleburgh told the Metro, “If you actually go out and talk to young gang members about the top 10 reasons why they joined a gang, you will never hear them talk about the influences of hip hop, videogames or media."

Rockstar Games' GTA IV launches Tuesday, and as details of the game are finally unveiled by media and by gamers, there is a high likelihood of increased backlash by critics, if past GTA installments are of any indication.

But all of the furor that is poised to boil over may just be a bunch of hot air, according to Canada-based Chettleburgh.

“[Violent media is] just not a primary driver of why kids join gangs," he said.

Chettleburgh is a criminal justice consultant, a crime researcher, a frequent media commentator on crime and author of the 2007 book, Young Thugs: Inside the Dangerous World of Canadian Street Gangs.

Pic: Peter Lee, The Record

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i agree.

it's a diffferent question as to why people get drawn into these kind of games... probably reflects something about the american society. maybe it's mere diversity, which would be a good thing.

the Wii is an epidemic.