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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo Quarterly Sales Update: Switch at 150.86m shipped, Mario Party Jamboree at 6.17m

firebush03 said:
killer7 said:

What? They do not include download- only software?! So indies (most of them are DL only) are not included? Then the Switch must be clearly above 1,5 billion by now!! Maybe even above PS2's software total!?!?

Including digital only sales, NSW would almost certainly be above PS2…but there’s a reason (i believe) why Nintendo chooses not to include it in their software sales reports, and why Sony shouldn’t be including it in their own: Shovelware apps releasing at next-to-no-cost inflate the software figures to comical levels. It’s a useless metric to say that NSW has >2bil software sales if nearly 1bil coming from eShop shovelware sold for cheap.

As stated above, also PS2 has a lot of "shovelware". And they do not have DL games and count it! Why is it forbidden for the Switch?! Including the fact that Sony even includes DLC (mappacks...) in their SW totals, even the PS3 (999,6 million) might be a bit overtracked by themselfes as game sales alone should be clearly below that number!

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killer7 said:
firebush03 said:

Including digital only sales, NSW would almost certainly be above PS2…but there’s a reason (i believe) why Nintendo chooses not to include it in their software sales reports, and why Sony shouldn’t be including it in their own: Shovelware apps releasing at next-to-no-cost inflate the software figures to comical levels. It’s a useless metric to say that NSW has >2bil software sales if nearly 1bil coming from eShop shovelware sold for cheap.

As stated above, also PS2 has a lot of "shovelware". And they do not have DL games and count it! Why is it forbidden for the Switch?! Including the fact that Sony even includes DLC (mappacks...) in their SW totals, even the PS3 (999,6 million) might be a bit overtracked by themselfes as game sales alone should be clearly below that number!

Its not forbidden for Nintendo to count digital only sales, its Nintendo that choose to remove digital only sales from their equation because Nintendo wants to be able to compare Switch software sales to previous generations of Nintendo consoles.

killer7 said:
firebush03 said:

Including digital only sales, NSW would almost certainly be above PS2…but there’s a reason (i believe) why Nintendo chooses not to include it in their software sales reports, and why Sony shouldn’t be including it in their own: Shovelware apps releasing at next-to-no-cost inflate the software figures to comical levels. It’s a useless metric to say that NSW has >2bil software sales if nearly 1bil coming from eShop shovelware sold for cheap.

As stated above, also PS2 has a lot of "shovelware". And they do not have DL games and count it! Why is it forbidden for the Switch?! Including the fact that Sony even includes DLC (mappacks...) in their SW totals, even the PS3 (999,6 million) might be a bit overtracked by themselfes as game sales alone should be clearly below that number!

I’m referring more toward the shovelware that sells for free (or less than $5). Before digital shops, selling at zero cost was unheard of, for the obv reason that you can’t sell games for free at physical retailers without simply just losing money.

Been quite a run for the Switch now heading to become the highest selling platform of all time with it's sales never letting up in the 8 years since release, it seems crazy at first but how I see it is the overall factor in the platform operating in both the home and portable markets as well as one overlooked factor in that the are two other parallel markets in gaming, blue and red ocean, that Switch has successfully brought together. Blue ocean is what drove Wii and DS while red ocean are your more traditional market to put it simply, this is why imo sales for the platform have seemed abnormal for people to grasp as we've never actually had a platform that catered to both equally with such success as well as being in both home and portable markets essentially establishing a four market approach.

Switch will be a tough act to top but I can see sales of 120m becoming normal for this four market approach.