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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony and Nintendo are in competition. But are they really?

Pemalite said:
Conina said:

Well, to be fair, you can write a 3,000+ word report on a tablet with a connected keyboard.

In many schools, the pupils have their "school iPads" with keyboard-cover nowadays.

On the other hand... a tablet is a "personal computer" anyways, no matter if it has a slightly different formfactor or a gimped OS to keep the users in their walled garden.

I find typing on those tiny keyboards to be an effort in frustration as a touch-typist myself (Mechanical vs Chiclet)... Many also don't feature a num-pad as well, so for those working with lots of numbers, it's also less than ideal.

On the software side of the equation, the word processors/spreadsheets/databases tend to be very barebones in terms of features if they are native programs.

But you are right, they are just a PC.
Android is based on Linux and iOS is based on Unix. - Both are PC derived operating systems optimized for a mobile environment.

killer7 said:

In fact i don't need a PC because i can do anything i want without it and better.

Why propagate this lie? Again, you cannot connect and output your tablet to four or even six 8k displays and use it as a single display.

killer7 said:

Yes i can connect my PC to a home cinema/ 8K TV but then its a media player at best. It is not responsible for the audio quality.

I have already demonstrated that this is a lie. You can do more than 8k on PC.

The PC is the most flexible computing platform available. - You can use A.I upscaling to upscale and improve lower definition (I.E. 4k blu-ray) video.

The PC can also have high resolution audio, many external DAC's are extremely competent and can be responsible for the audio quality... For example the Gustard x30 DAC has four ESS Sabre 9039 PRO chips with can deliver upwards of 140db.

I honestly don't think you understand what the PC can truly do.

killer7 said:

And i can watch youtube, Netflix... with my 8K TV. And yes, there is 8K content.

Again. Most of the content you are consuming is NOT true 8k content.
Arguably most of the content you are consuming is not even true 4k content... Most 4k Blu-rays are using a 2k intermediate. (Aka. Slightly more than 1080P)
And then apply various post-processes to "improve" the image quality.

But more often than not, the 1080P blu-ray ends up being a better release than the 4k master.

Pirates of the Caribbean is a fine example of this.

Your Youtube, Netflix and so-on? Again. That's streaming... And whilst streaming tends to use highly efficient codecs, they still have one massive and glaring issue. - Bitrate. Or lack there-of.
The lower the bit-rate, the less data you have displayed on screen, with everything else kept equal.

4k Streaming tends to "max out" at 16Mbps of bitrate... 1080P blu-ray is 40Mbps and 4k Blu-Ray is upwards of 128Mbps, that is a massive difference in perceived quality.

Sorry to school you on all of this, using evidence, but I feel it needed to be done so you stop repeating the same false information and rhetoric.

killer7 said:

Some extreme PC fanatics go that far calling other electronic devices "PC" only because they can do things a PC can't. It would be the same if i called a PC a "home console" just because it could do something my console can't. I stand by it: I do not need a PC and never will! Not for work (yes some people do!) and not for entertainment! 

Name a single thing another platform can do that a PC cannot.

You made that claim, now you need to provide evidence for it... Or we can regard that as another lie.

If you don't need a PC, that is your choice as a consumer... But I would argue a PC would be highly beneficial in the way you write and layout your posts.

killer7 said:

You just poinged it out: "school ipads"- no desktop PCs. Only because desktop PCs are not portable and lack a touchscreen does not make a Tablet a Personal Computer. Thats what i mean: If another device does anything a desktop pc can't do, lets call it a PC, problem solved. I am not as famous as Elvis Presley when i sing in a Karaoke bar? Lets call Elvis a Karaoke singer. 

You mean a portable desktop PC with a touch-screen like this?

Or do you mean a PC like this?

Or even a PC like this?

Name a single thing another device can do, that a Windows PC (Note: I said Windows to try and differentiate it from other ecosystems) cannot do.

I'll wait.

killer7 said:

The therm "fanboy" is the definition of someone defending his/ her prefered plattform like soldirs fighting a war. I will use that word you can believe me. I will never ever buy a PC and thats my opinion. My boss knows it everyone who knows me knows it. Thats my opinion! Full Stop!!

You will not use the word in it's derogatory context.

We aren't trying to convince you to buy a PC.
No one actually cares if you own a PC or don't.

We are simply refuting your false claims.

I am not interested in some freak ware a private person bought. A Personal Computer needs a large 4k/8k Screen to show of its full potential and it needs a hifi solution with an amplifier, boxes, subs... to fully unveil its sound potential. I don't care what some freak is creating. As home cinema/ TV enthusiasts we can create a lot as well. There are 98" TVs. If you take an amplifier, you add power amplifiers to it, biamp the speakers, if your boxes can do it, you can kiss your PC Box set goodbuy. Its like a bicicle trying to keep up with a Harley davidson.

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Chazore said:
killer7 said:

The therm "fanboy" is the definition of someone defending his/ her prefered plattform like soldirs fighting a war. I will use that word you can believe me. I will never ever buy a PC and thats my opinion. My boss knows it everyone who knows me knows it. Thats my opinion! Full Stop!!

Fanboy is the negative term, the positive term used is called "fan", which is why it is often better to use the term "PC fan" instead of "PC fanboy".

You haven't been here for years, so of course you likely wouldn't know, but you do now. Also none of us PC fans are "soldiers" on this site. Go over to our main PC thread and you will see us talking about games and hardware.

No you won't be using the word, or you'll get reported, simple as. If you are planning to become the next Kerotan, I can guarantee you will not last long on here. If you keep acting antagonistic towards an entire platform of users on here, you will be ejected in time, trust me. 

I care very little for you not buying a PC, let alone your boss, but that is not going to stop other people from going out and buying laptops, pre-built desktops, SFF and custom built PC's or the Steam Deck/other PC handhelds. 

As this is a console specific side i have the right to be against a plattform. I am not against users. Reporting me i don't care. I am a consol warrior and as this is not a PC side. Anyway who was Kerotan?

killer7 said:

I am not interested in some freak ware a private person bought. A Personal Computer needs a large 4k/8k Screen to show of its full potential and it needs a hifi solution with an amplifier, boxes, subs... to fully unveil its sound potential. I don't care what some freak is creating. As home cinema/ TV enthusiasts we can create a lot as well. There are 98" TVs. If you take an amplifier, you add power amplifiers to it, biamp the speakers, if your boxes can do it, you can kiss your PC Box set goodbuy. Its like a bicicle trying to keep up with a Harley davidson.

1) 8k displays exist.
2) PC can run 8k screens.
3) Your iPhone and Tablet that you specifically use over a PC does not have an 8k display.
4) No one needs an 8k display. It's a want. Not a need.

I have provided evidence that refutes most of your statements, so the fact you are willing to keep walking down the same line of thinking despite evidence to the contrary, just confirms that you have a confirmation bias and are thus unwilling to change your position or admit you are just wrong. And you ARE wrong, factually.

Anything a home theater can do... You can use a PC and make it better.
Again, I have provided the evidence for that.

So if you are unable or unwilling to provide evidence to reinforce your claims, then you really don't have a logical argument and thus this discussion has pretty much ended here.

Your opinions aren't fact.

killer7 said:

As this is a console specific side i have the right to be against a plattform. I am not against users. Reporting me i don't care. I am a consol warrior and as this is not a PC side. Anyway who was Kerotan?

No. This is a gaming website. It's not console specific.
The site just tracks console hardware sales because... You actually can't track hardware sales on PC. But Steam is often used in statistics.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
killer7 said:

I am not interested in some freak ware a private person bought. A Personal Computer needs a large 4k/8k Screen to show of its full potential and it needs a hifi solution with an amplifier, boxes, subs... to fully unveil its sound potential. I don't care what some freak is creating. As home cinema/ TV enthusiasts we can create a lot as well. There are 98" TVs. If you take an amplifier, you add power amplifiers to it, biamp the speakers, if your boxes can do it, you can kiss your PC Box set goodbuy. Its like a bicicle trying to keep up with a Harley davidson.

1) 8k displays exist.
2) PC can run 8k screens.
3) Your iPhone and Tablet that you specifically use over a PC does not have an 8k display.
4) No one needs an 8k display.

Wrong! Whoever wants a big nice picture with 8k content current of in the future does. Whoever like me for whom a PC is not enogh. 

It's a want. Not a need. Not for life important stuff but for entertainment. 

I have provided evidence that refutes most of your statements, so the fact you are willing to keep walking down the same line of thinking despite evidence to the contrary, just confirms that you have a confirmation bias and are thus unwilling to change your position or admit you are just wrong. And you ARE wrong, factually.

Anything a home theater can do... You can use a PC and make it better.
Again, I have provided the evidence for that. 

Try to pump your PC up to 250 Wats sin (×7+ boxes) without a home theater. Good luck. If you wanna tell me that a 5000$ PC where only my amp costs that can do everything better than a system specifically made for sound you live in a dreamworld, sorry. Its like telling you that a Truck can race faster than a race car (specifically made for it), is more flexible than a motorbike (specifically made for it) and better for family vacation than a Grand Mobile car (specifically made for it). 

Does a PC has 8 HDMI ports, 4 optical Ports, 10+ Audio ports, power amps, connectors for High End speakers (f.e. B&W)? With the heat such a sound system creates alone, your PC would shut down in a blink of an eye. Even PC f..(lets call them enthisiasts) who want boneshattering sound use an amplifier and HIFI Equipment. Of course more people use it without HIFI- we don't need to argue. But why? Because such an equipment is expensive as hell and can go in the 100.000s of dollars if you are super crazy. A 5000- 10.000$ PC is zhe cheaper option. So NO! You CANNOT just use a PC without HIFI equipment and make a better sound with it! No, just no. I think you are not informed about the possibilities such a system could give you. Denon, Harman Kadon, B&W are brands well known there. You can tell me a lot but you cannot overcome physics and you cannot tell me that a 5k PC outclasses  20k+ homecinema.

So if you are unable or unwilling to provide evidence to reinforce your claims, then you really don't have a logical argument and thus this discussion has pretty much ended here.

Your opinions aren't fact.

killer7 said:

As this is a console specific side i have the right to be against a plattform. I am not against users. Reporting me i don't care. I am a consol warrior and as this is not a PC side. Anyway who was Kerotan?

No. This is a gaming website. It's not console specific.
The site just tracks console hardware sales because... You actually can't track hardware sales on PC. But Steam is often used in statistics.

Just this

This is an example of pure high end. There are seperate audio processing amplifiers, you can add bodyshakers in these seats. Thats a laser projector. You can connect a console, Blu- Ray player, Media Box also your PC, no matter what. But this is no PC Box Set from logitech son. Thats not a 500$ set. There are cables costing that much. You have to understand the difference. Maybe this "problem" should be solved now because i was talking about enthusiast equipments not random 7.1 Sets. I do hope we agree that without such an equipment its impossible to create a sound, even an atmosphere like that. Add in the lights or a possible philips hue

and thats something your PC alone will never do no matter how much you pump it up. You can also ajust your home cinema setting, amps, TV/ beamer, boxes, subs, possible bodyshakers... imagine gaming with this. I prefere such a setup compared to a desk with mouse and keyboard to be honest.
You don't have to thank you for this little free of costs education in high tech. It was a pleasure my friend!😎

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They compete with eachother in the same way netflix competes with playstation, they compete for your time.

But in terms of direct? No ones (on a large enough scale) is really deciding between a switch and a PS5.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

ArchangelMadzz said:

But in terms of direct? No ones (on a large enough scale) is really deciding between a switch and a PS5.

I think you doubt how much disposable incoming many people have

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

killer7 said:

This is an example of pure high end. There are seperate audio processing amplifiers, you can add bodyshakers in these seats. Thats a laser projector. You can connect a console, Blu- Ray player, Media Box also your PC, no matter what. But this is no PC Box Set from logitech son. Thats not a 500$ set. There are cables costing that much. You have to understand the difference. Maybe this "problem" should be solved now because i was talking about enthusiast equipments not random 7.1 Sets. I do hope we agree that without such an equipment its impossible to create a sound, even an atmosphere like that. Add in the lights or a possible philips hue

You don't get it. The PC does not replace any of that. it AUGMENTS that. It ADDS to that.

The PC would improve that setup. Again I have provided evidence prior in this thread on how a PC can improve visual quality of video playback and audio quality, so don't need to rehash the same evidence again that you will ignore.

killer7 said:

and thats something your PC alone will never do no matter how much you pump it up. You can also ajust your home cinema setting, amps, TV/ beamer, boxes, subs, possible bodyshakers... imagine gaming with this. I prefere such a setup compared to a desk with mouse and keyboard to be honest.
You don't have to thank you for this little free of costs education in high tech. It was a pleasure my friend!😎

But the PC can run all that. Using that exact SAME equipment. And enhance it.

What part of this is confusing to you? You have factually lost this debate/argument on every aspect.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

killer7 said:

As this is a console specific side i have the right to be against a plattform. I am not against users. Reporting me i don't care. I am a consol warrior and as this is not a PC side. Anyway who was Kerotan?

This isn't a "console specific side", this is a gaming forum. No one cares that you don't want a PC, all we've been doing is trying to point out your false inconsistencies with what you think is fact but is actually false. 

This site has grown beyond the "need" for warriors and as such they are tossed outside of the site. The more you go against platforms and users, the more likely you are to get suspended/banned over time. This is me giving you that heads up, and I would absolutely take heed if I were you. 

Kerotan was a PS fan back in the day that acted in a very similar manner as you do, and despite being wrong multiple times and ridiculing others with reckless abandon, he got suspended multiple times until the site was fed up with his skirting the line antics and was then perma-banned from the site. 

The reason why I said you remind me of him is because I know for a fact there is no way on earth that you just came out from under a random rock and know NOTHING about the modern or even old-age computer, and that you seem to be acting totally aloof to the concept of modern computers in such a way that it comes off as borderline trolling, especially when you do this in the face of a moderator like Pemalite, who has debunked your multiple takes and attempts at ridiculing another platform and it's users as "fanboys/warriors".

I know you are fully aware, but choosing not to act like every other normal person here is going to net you ire and eventually being ousted, and that will be on you, not anyone else here. I know you know about PC's, there is zero need for you to be putting on this little charade where you act like you know nothing about a modern day computer, no one is that dense, especially on this gaming site.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

killer7 said:

This is an example of pure high end. There are seperate audio processing amplifiers, you can add bodyshakers in these seats. Thats a laser projector. You can connect a console, Blu- Ray player, Media Box also your PC, no matter what. But this is no PC Box Set from logitech son. Thats not a 500$ set. There are cables costing that much. You have to understand the difference. Maybe this "problem" should be solved now because i was talking about enthusiast equipments not random 7.1 Sets. I do hope we agree that without such an equipment its impossible to create a sound, even an atmosphere like that. Add in the lights or a possible philips hue

and thats something your PC alone will never do no matter how much you pump it up. You can also ajust your home cinema setting, amps, TV/ beamer, boxes, subs, possible bodyshakers... imagine gaming with this. I prefere such a setup compared to a desk with mouse and keyboard to be honest.
You don't have to thank you for this little free of costs education in high tech. It was a pleasure my friend!😎

Maybe I am wrong but ... I think you may be missing the point.  I have not gamed on PC since the days of WarCraft 3.  I am not a fan of PC gaming because time more so than money is my gaming bottleneck. So please do not assume I am a PC fanboy I just recognize the benefits / drawbacks of PC.  These days the PC I use is an old Windows 7 machine with integrated graphics. I doubt it would run anything modern. That does not stop me from having a 4 port Keyboard, Video, Mouse and Peripheral (KVMP) switch and a 5 port HDMI switch in front of my monitor and old ass surround sound receiver (a Kenwood from the mid 90's).  This allows for 4 PC towers to be hooked to 1 monitor and audio receiver at the same time that I have a WiiU, Switch, my work laptop (so I can dual screen) and PS5 hooked to the same setup.  You COULD do the same with inputs on a good receiver with the exception of the PCs that use VGA for video output. There may be a receiver out there that has 4 VGA ports but I highly doubt it since modern PCs have embraced HDMI as an output method.

I think you should think of the PC as just an output device not completely unlike a Blu-ray player.  Just another component that could be added to nearly any home theater, be it high end or low end.  What differentiates PC from other output devices is just how customizable it can be.  Perm has been trying to point out that a PC with high end graphics, sound cards, and the right optical drive could actually get more out of the home theater setup you have.  Unlike a Blu-ray player a good PC (tower) is customizable, as time passes you could upgrade components in the PC to get better graphics and sound.

To PC or not to PC be it gaming or home theater. PERSONALLY my bottleneck is time, I do not want to piss time away with checking requirements, messing with settings, ect.  So that is mostly why I choose to game on a simple plug and play console.  The only thing I have to waste time on is updates and downloads most of which, in this day and age, is handled while the console is idle. I just want to put in a disc / cart or launch a digital game and play. 

What I give up by not playing on PC ... Mods, the best graphics and sound possible, a whole host of games and community contributions (most of my time with Warcraft 3 was spent in custom games made by other players using the assets and engine Warcraft was running on -  playing DoTA, tower defense games and games I would have a hard time categorizing ... you know stuff made by enthusiast for enthusiasts), ect. 

I 100% understand a no PC stance but it is baffling that you shun PC while embracing high end sound and video.  If you had the time / money you would get more out of what you paid for your A/V equipment if you added a PC to your set up and think of it as simply another component in front of your receiver and TV (monitor).  I don't care either way but I bet you could geek out on it if you gave it a chance.  Media servers / Network Attached Storage (NAS) are also nice additions to a home theater if you have the cash and little bit of time to set-up / maintain them. End of the day though to each their own. You do you.

As to the actual topic of the thread, my 2 cents:  I think they are competing for mind-share and consumers money.  They offer dissimilar software to differentiate themselves from the competition. I think that is why some consider Microsoft and Sony to be competing more head to head since their software offering is more similar than dissimilar.

Nintendo and Sony would both love to get every video game dollar you spend.  In that sense they are competing, one just goes red ocean while the other tries for blue. Different strategy does not mean no competition.