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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which switch version would you prefer launch?


Preferred switch to model

Lite 299.99 1 3.85%
Base 399.99 13 50.00%
OLED 499.99 12 46.15%

Definitely OLED launching at the price of the base model and that model getting replaced with a Pro one. Maybe the OLED model will also be more powerful this time which would help the Switch 2 keep up with other future handhelds.

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As a late adopter of the Switch, I wouldn't mind seeing that $499 OLED model being the only unit available for the first two years.

Nintendo will be facing shortages for the Switch 2 in its first few months anyway, and perhaps even heading into the holidays, so the high price tag wouldn't really be a factor.

I would like to see a Lite version with an OLED screen and can still be hooked up to TV.

Definitely the regular hybrid at $400. Even though I mostly play handheld I have no interest in a Lite as then I can't play on a screen occasionally when I want to. OLED I would expect to come out at $450 whenever that comes out (don't know why the OP is assuming it'd cost an entire $100 more, let alone claiming it's safe to say that haha), and while an OLED would be nice for the launch system, I'm certainly not paying more than $400 for a video game system as $400 is already very pricey so I would never buy that OLED.