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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If you could play a game for the first time again, what will it be?

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JohnVG said:
SvennoJ said:

Yeah part of the OoT magic was getting stuck and discussing with friends how to continue. OoT was a product of its time and indeed there are better Zelda experiences now for my kids.

OoT stays in my top 30, but has been moving up in my top 100 as well.

Why not the original Portal though? To experience that fresh again would still be great. But you would have to forget about Portal 2 as well (and Prey). Portal 2 was an upgrade in every way but the mechanics were not new anymore.

I agree. OoT was fun to chat about. It also appeared during the boom of the internet, so, many young people searched info and talked about it in the web. 
Now, Breath of the Wild beats OoT in EVERY aspect i can think. OoT already felt old compared to other newer Zeldas, but BotW was the definitive successor after almost 20 years, because until then, every Zelda was just an evolution of the sidelines Ocarina established long ago, and many ot those sidelines were just imposed by the N64 tech specs, and a 32MB cart (256Mbit). Others, like the "automatic jump" established in the series since OoT... were just finally debunked as unnecessary... thanks to BotW (i felt really free to finally be able to JUMP everywhere I wanted in a Zelda game, really XD. It was one of most controversial topics about games in 1998, and was totally accepted as normal in the series, when... outside Zelda, was never accepted as the standard for a 3D game).
Also, BotW is a tribute to OoT in many little details, not only of the game itself, but of the MANY ideas developers had for OoT and for technical reasons, or time constraints, they cpuld not put in the final game: OoT had a long development cycle in the era, and was basically an experiment with lots of changes along its development (like many other 3D games of that generation, but Ocarina had a LOT of capital changes during its development) because even the developers, at first, did not knew or at least weren't sure about what they could possible do in those machines. So expectations were too big and many ideas were just dismissed... or downgraded a lot. One of those we now know, was a travel system BASED ON PORTALS, very similar to the ones in the Portal series, many years BEFORE Portal appeared, btw

BotW recovered many of those original ideas for the OoT, like the wild horses living in the wild and you could mount, or the changes in the weather in real time, or organic full forests you can enter and explore with not even load a new zone... to me... BotW was like... playing the Ocarina of Time I imagined when I was a child, and was the first Zelda in doing that. And many places are extremely beautiful homages to OoT places: Zora's Domain, or Gerudo Fortress, for example. 
The other Zelda until then (excluding the portable ones) were just an evolution of Ocarina, following the guidelines it created, almost always in a very hard way, just with better graphics and gameplay like Twilight Princess did (a great game for the GC, btw, with a very slooooow start).

In fact, Wind Waker was perhaps the Zelda which more hard tried to innovate, to be different, with an "open world" made by little islands. But it failed to give what people expected in that particular moment, a new Ocarina with better graphics. Its cel graphics weren't well received either, when everyone wanted the SpaceWorld 2000 tech demo, and it was also too easy. Plus... I always feel it had a very rushed ending. So the series become very conservative after WW and for me... the SS was so incredible conservative in everything (apart from the gimmick of the wiimote)... It almost destroyed the fanbase. 

BotW exudes that exploring feel OoT had in 1998, this time in a really huge open world FULL of surprises, but it is also superior in everything and extremely innovative in the series. And the final product... is basically perfect. And is a better 1998 Ocarina than the Ocarina itself never could.

And why Portal 2 and not the first one? Well 2 reasons: Because I played the second one first, so... the mechaniscs were also new for me.
But I will not replay it just for the mechanics, but for the story, the voice messages, the environment, the diferent time aesthetics along the game, THE MUSIC, the robots and its personalties... the humour. The drama it hides...
All that game is an extraordinary adventure and a very well constructed story, full of emotions, and just for an (excellent) puzzle game. Portal 1 was just that, an excellent puzzle game, but it does not have all that huge experience the second gives to you.

Comparing BOTW to OOT is like comparing OOT to Zelda 1. You can't. They are almost entirely different genres, different games.

But I'll still take OOT and MM. Those games were magic, and objectively? The music blows everything else away. Kondo created the greatest soundtrack in the history of the industry with OOT, imo. Nothing has come close since. Doubt anything ever will.

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JackHandy said:

Comparing BOTW to OOT is like comparing OOT to Zelda 1. You can't.