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Forums - PC Discussion - The biggest threat to Windows is Steam

only777 said:
JohnVG said:

"PS5 Pro for a premium optimised console experience"

LOL, no.

People will buy PCs with Windows, not with Steam OS, cause PCs are flexible to do everything you need, not only to play. And people do more things in PCs than just playing games (but now, they easily can use them as consoles, if they want).

And a steamdeck (and similar devices) maybe do not need a Windows, true, but they are not PCs, are portable consoles using PC hardware... to play PC games in portable mode. Seems the same? it is not. You can't seriously do anything else there, so... no need to use Windows if Steam OS has some good layers to run well Windows games and reduces the requirements or the tasks in the background when you play.

It's a product for a very specific type of machines (It's basically a "dedicated Linux distro", as they have existed for many many years). Do not expect people changing Windows for a Linux in its daily PC. They won't. And I used to be a Linux user many years (always next to a partition for Windows, because you eventually will need Windows for some program or whatever.

You either did not read my post, or did not understand it.

It's a predidiction thread, something I think will happen in the future. 

Also as someone with kids, trust me plenty of PC's are being bought with ONLY gaming in mind.


But why do you not think PS5 Pro is not a premium optimised console experience?  I don't think any sane person would disagree with that.

"It's a predidiction thread"
I know.

"plenty of PC's are being bought with ONLY gaming in mind"
No they don't. Of course they want to play. but even if they buy it for that, thay also will "surf the net" (how 90s!), or do ChatGTP, or listen Spotify, or do a videochat, or see/listen/comment youtube videos and TikTok crap, or use Twitter or any other social net... a PC is a much richer experience than just for play, as a console basically is today (years ago, it seemed consoles would be a more "multimedia" and "an online social experience" machines. They finally didn't. Basically because security issues exploits (tech and human ones) being a problem for the companies, and those high expectations about what they could do were just finally covered by the smartphones. So, no need anymore to sell those tales. Well, maybe you can still see a movie there... but not much more).

And of course, kids will do their homework in the PC, using an Office to make essays, slides for presentations... or whatever they do. Not in the PS5.

"But why do you not think PS5 Pro is not a premium optimised console experience?"
Because it is not. PS5 Pro is not a new generation, so it CAN'T be an optimised experience: you will play the same games you can play in a normal PS5, paying much more money to do it, and what you will get is a slightly better experience using basically the help of IA and a very convoluted bunch of technologies trying to squeeze a game... developed for an inferior hardware. Do not expect nothing really new. Perhaps better framerate because brute force of the new CPU/GPU, and perhaps some IA escalated new resolution... with some little artifacts now and then. 

Only a new generation can really show a difference. The optimisation is to make a game for an specific hardware in mind, and do it the better you can. Not an artificial "improvement" using better hardware. If the PS5 Pro was a new generation (that is... with games not compatible with the old PS5), the very same hardware of PS5 Pro would have had much better games (at least, in tech aspecs), precisely because those games could have been optimised for it. But being only a "revision" for PS5, its possibilities are capped since day 1 (Doing an extreme analogy: If I play Quake 1 in a new PC, i will get the Quake 1 from 1996).

Last edited by JohnVG - on 10 January 2025

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JohnVG said:

"But why do you not think PS5 Pro is not a premium optimised console experience?"
Because it is not. PS5 Pro is not a new generation, so it CAN'T be an optimised experience

You don't understand what the word optimised actually means.

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.