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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Official Game of the Year Awards 2024 - Results Thread

Best Racing Game of 2024

The least popular category this year (72.29% participation), undoubtedly because none of the genre’s mega franchises (Mario Kart, Gran Turismo, Forza) had a release. That did give an opportunity for some smaller franchises, and some indie games, to properly compete though: the runner-up managed almost 25% of the vote, compared to the winner’s 45.45%.

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Best Puzzle Game of 2024

Another good three-way race here. The winner got 35.74% of the vote, runner-up 26.85%, and third place a very respectable 19.81%.

Best RPG of 2024

Another fun result to watch as the results came in. The user result was very close: just 2.1% of the vote separated the top two. The staff vote was more decisive, though both groups picked the same ultimate winner.

Best VR Game of 2024

The two big-name franchises ran away with this one: the winner got 44.015% of the vote, 2nd place got 26.28%.

If you don't mind me asking, is there a calandar you (referring to whoever is sharing/scheduling all the GotY results) are following? If you aren't willing to share, then that's totally okay! Just thought I'd ask is all.

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firebush03 said:

If you don't mind me asking, is there a calandar you (referring to whoever is sharing/scheduling all the GotY results) are following? If you aren't willing to share, then that's totally okay! Just thought I'd ask is all.

An order, but no strict schedule - it depends on what non-GotY articles we have that also need posting.

Best Compilation of 2024

On the user side this was a very even four way race: first place got 24.6% of the vote, while fourth got 18.8%, to give you an idea of the range. The staff widened that gap though, with the eventual winner getting a third of the vote, and fourth staying roughly in the same spot at 18.49%.

Best Remaster of 2024

A rare case of all titles on the shortlist getting a sizeable number of votes, with even the eliminated 5th and 6th places getting 11% and 8%, respectively. The winner was a surprise to me, but it managed to get almost 40% so it's obviously way more popular than I realised!

Best DLC/Expansion of 2024

There was obviously a clear favourite in this category, but it didn't entirely run away with the vote - which perhaps speaks to how well received some of the other expansions were. 1st place got 42.74% of the vote, 2nd 21.615%, and third 15.345%.

Best Indie Game of 2024

Since we introduced this award I feel like Best Indie has tended to have one breakout hit each year that gets enough name recognition to win the award, but there are so many other nominees that actually it’s the competition for runner-up that tends to be most interesting. And this year I must say I’m very surprised by the runner-up; I didn’t realise this game was so popular. It got 14.265% of the vote – a couple of points ahead of third place.