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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Battle of the 8th gen losers: Wii U vs Vita vs Xbox One


I think the best is...

Wii U 36 56.25%
Vita 14 21.88%
Xbox One 14 21.88%
Wman1996 said:
curl-6 said:

This is a tricky one for me; I didn't own an Xbox One or a Vita, but I have played a lot of the former's games on Switch and PS5.
I did own a Wii U, and while it did have some excellent games, the droughts between them were terrible.

Xbox One has more good games, by a country mile, just by virtue of having good third party support. On the other hand, it lacks worthwhile exclusives, so the PS4 made it feel kind of redundant. Wii U justified its existence somewhat with the likes of Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Tropical Freeze, etc, but if you weren't into Nintendo games or wanted a primary console it was a poor choice.

The Vita never held much interest for me, as I'd rather play on the TV.

I'd say PlayStation TV but unfortunately many of Vita's true exclusives and even non-exclusives with unique features were never supported due to Sony not finding workarounds on DualShock 3 or 4 for Vita's touch screen and rear touch pad. 

I did actually consider a Vita TV at one point, but ultimately decided not to as there were only like 4-5 games on the system that interested me, and I wasn't sure if it would hold up well on a big screen as the games were designed for a portable screen; many of its games are sub-480p.

Around the Network

The Wii U was awesome.

So I voted for it.

Yes, the draughts. But… What came out for it was often unique and the best for whatever [first party] respective franchise.