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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will Fairgame$ be another majour failure for Sony?


Will Fairgames fail?

Yes 16 88.89%
No 2 11.11%
The Fury said:

Isn't it a PvE? Fun with friends is the rage right now, if it meets that then it'll do decently. Just because the PvP shooter failed doesn't mean their next PvE service game will considering their last sold buckets.

There are serious competition right now. The last desencant for example. It's all up to Sony now, do they go FTP to get players? Do they release with a price on the box in a market with loads of FTP titles. Also, people are already shitting on this one with the same concerns as Concord had. Idk, that might be a good thing though and boost pilopularity like Hogwarts Legacy. It could fail and have a player base. Fingers crossed we don't find out this was another 400 million title. 

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The showings thus far left me cold and I haven't heard anybody being excited about it.

After what happened with Concorde, I'm expecting Sony will be engaging with a bunch new focus groups and mock tests to understand if this one will actually find a big enough audience. Meetings will be held and the outcome might be a delay with rework or cancellation.

LegitHyperbole said:

There are serious competition right now. The last desencant for example. It's all up to Sony now, do they go FTP to get players? Do they release with a price on the box in a market with loads of FTP titles. Also, people are already shitting on this one with the same concerns as Concord had. Idk, that might be a good thing though and boost pilopularity like Hogwarts Legacy. It could fail and have a player base. Fingers crossed we don't find out this was another 400 million title. 

If anything they should just release a paid for game, just shove as much extra content in the leveling system, no hero shooter rubbish just outfits you earn in game like HD2. The Ass Descendant is not really the same as people who like and want to play PayDay, that's the competitor here. Which is a paid for game with paid DLC.

People are shitting on this because they are idiots and can't think beyond what some idiot streamer or youtuber who is doing a video for views tells them. 

It's a completely different studio and idea. 

Hmm, pie.